Even if using a pressure cooker will make the horn pliable, you have so little time to shape the horn to the new shape when you use hot water, or steam, its difficult to do when you consider the time it takes to reduce the pressure to safely take the lid off the pressure cooker, remove the HOT horn, and then put it in the press.
Oil heating the horn will leave oil in the pores of the horn, which helps it remain pliable LOnger, giving you more time to work the antler in your press.
For forming the horn, consider using two pieces of parallel cut lumber, perhaps 1/2 by 3/4 ", with the corners rounded, and then cut another piece of stock that is perhaps 2 inches wide, and how ever long you want, but cut the piece in half so that you have two triangles. That way you can put them in between the two straight, or parallel cut pieces, which will push you out the edges of the horn, and a simply blow or two with a mallet on the wedge on the outside will stabilize the two parallels to any angle needed. If you have an really odd widening angle on one side of the horn, you can make another wedge to use with the first two to push one of the parallels out further. You do need to make a box to control the movement of the horn while the sides are being pressed, and left to dry. If you are planning on doing several flat horns, it would be worth making the box sturdy enough for repeated use. The bottom plate should be thick enough to support verticle poles to guide the top plate down. YOu will want the top plate to be stout enough NOT to warp as you press the horn down. And, you might as well use threaded bolts as the verticle posts, with large washers to protect the holes through the top plate, and turn nuts to crank down the top plate, on at least 3 corners, if not all 4. That horn is going to want to squirt out towards the base, and when you get it flattened, perhaps towards the spout end. You need to have some kind of shoulder around the outer edge of the box, tall enough to prevent the horn from squeezing out, but not so tall as to interfere with the vise operation of the box to flatten the horn. Of course, for a faster, one time effort, you can use C-clamps,and Parallel clamps, but that means you have to act faster, and you will probably need the help of someone to help you set the clamps while one of you holds the horn from moving away from where the pressure is being applied by the other.