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Flea market finds... What should I buy?

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Buckskin Baxter
MLF Supporter
Aug 11, 2019
Reaction score
Hello all.
Was at one of the local flea market again today and they always have neat stuff. I do not know the type or maker of the flintlock rifle. I have seen many come and go for about $120. None in real pristine condition. Was wondering if it is something I should take a chance on.

Another guy has this lock for sale. I have handled it last week, but forgot to take photos and went back as the guy was closing up due to rain and was able to get a quick shot. It functions and the springs feel good, sear releases. I realize it is missing some pieces. he wants $275. Could probably talk him down a bit.

All of these appear original, not copies. I was mainly here for another hobby.. pocket watches. Found a few that would tick and sterling silver cased. Going to see if I can fix them. Made my day!
Let me know what your thoughts are on the long gun and lock. We will be leaving at the end of the month.

Have a safe day!


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BUY THEM!!!!! I don’t know know about the musket, but the detached flintlock is off an Algerian musket, I think. Looks original. Well worth $275!
The musket looks like something somebody put together recently. The flintlock lock looks like the real deal. But the musket may be worth it for parts.
If those swords are not replicas I'd snatch them up if the price is right. I just enlarged the photo and the Japanese swords appear to be reproductions as well as the saber. To me, the rapier looks like the real deal even though it's not in the best of shape.
Hello all.
Was at one of the local flea market again today and they always have neat stuff. I do not know the type or maker of the flintlock rifle. I have seen many come and go for about $120. None in real pristine condition. Was wondering if it is something I should take a chance on.
View attachment 84396

Another guy has this lock for sale. I have handled it last week, but forgot to take photos and went back as the guy was closing up due to rain and was able to get a quick shot. It functions and the springs feel good, sear releases. I realize it is missing some pieces. he wants $275. Could probably talk him down a bit.
View attachment 84399

All of these appear original, not copies. I was mainly here for another hobby.. pocket watches. Found a few that would tick and sterling silver cased. Going to see if I can fix them. Made my day!
Let me know what your thoughts are on the long gun and lock. We will be leaving at the end of the month.

Have a safe day!
The musket looks like a wall hanger....pretty well rusted. Check barrel. Check stock for cracks. Check if trigger assembly for proper operation. May be worth that to someone.
Yes, swords. many to choose from. Does anyone know what these square handled, long pointy triangle things are called? What should one pay for something like these? New to many of these items, Not sure of the value.
Going to go back and see if the drinking horns are still there. Silver ends (has french silver proof mark). Did not to spend the money at the time. Hope they are still there.

a triangle blade on a sword is called a épée which is a thrusting sword and has no cutting edge like a Rapier or Saber. A foil is similar but has a more rounded blade.
If you were to try and buy any of those swords have them authenticated before you spend much money on them. The only sword I see in your photos that would be of interest to me would be the Rapier in the first photo. The Katanas could be authenticated by pulling the handles and looking for a makers mark.
Love to go to a flea market that isnt a bunch of baby clothes and such.
Did go to a car swap meet Father’s Day weekend.
Hello all.
Thanks for all the replies! I forgot to add that these markets are in France...
I was unable to go back to the market that had the drinking horns. The seller with the swords and the gun were not seen this weekend market either. It is possible the vendor chose not to come. Bastille day celebrations start tomorrow. There are about 5 to 10 of these markets every weekend around Paris and the surrounding areas.
The markets here also have manure... toys, clothes, tools, etc. It all depends who signs up to sell.
The fancy antique market, Puces de Clignancourt (I am talking 500+ vendors who have storefronts) was open today and I was able to look at the bayonets and épée's more closely. I forgot to take my phone as I go to these things with an empty wallet except for my "budget". Lots of pickpockets around I am warned.
Anyway, was told they were French. That was all the seller knew. None of these would come out of the scabbard to check for marks.. I think that they all were submerged in water for some time and $130 was more than I would spend on something I know nothing about.
I did end up with another nice silver & gold watch to play with!
I will be going again next weekend to find the drinking horns and that engraved lock.
Thanks again for your interest.