Flint and steel pouch help....??

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Okay, having been whelped on the wrong side of the silver spoon and rasied pretty rough I have to ask a question.
What is a tinder tube and can I see a picture???
Here ya go Ron

Catch spark on the charred end and pull back inside to extinguish. mine is pretty plane just a piece of copper tube with cotton for tinder. :v
That's a pretty neat find Rich !! Congrats !! :hatsoff:
You say it even had some tinder in it ? Cool !! :applause:
Bet that was pretty cool to have in your hands for a few seconds ?? I got lucky enough to hold the air rifle Lewis and Clark took with them on there exploration.. I also got to check out the reproduction of it as well.. I guess each piece of history being held in your hand today has a great deal of meaning..

Thanks to both of you for sharing !! :hatsoff:
I cut off a piece of an old aluminum arrow shaft for my tinder tube, and use cotton filler cord for it..

Just be sure to burn the end ahead of time so that you're to catch a spark whe you need it ..
thanks James and Tuxdad. Learning something new is a good way to end the year.
Happy New Year to all.
Hawkthrower, the use of tinder tubes goes back at least as far as the 16th c. in Europe, where they became somewhat popular for pipe lighting. Here in America their use appears to be mostly among city dwellers and gents. However, what appears to be an NDN tinder tube was excavated in an NDN site I believe dated to the 1750's. It was a bone tube with signs of char inside. 1/2" Cotton batted upholstery piping makes about the best tinder, but even rolled linen or cotton cloth works well.
That can be tricky unless you know for sure that all the lint is from natural fibered material..

Still, that'd be interesing to see... :wink:
Upholstery piping is, or was, around $.35 a yard. A well stocked out hobby shop will have a 3/8" cotton cord that is used as a lighter for model rockets. This cord is cotton batting sheathed in a woven cotton jacket. It is as good as the piping, only smaller in diameter. I use it for the small tinder tubes I put in my pocket fire kits.
I picked up my filler cord from our local wal-mart.. In the large size(12/32") there's about 6 yds of cord.. I think there's about 10 yds in the smaller sized(6/32") packages.. I think the price for them were about 3 bucks.. All I have to do is light it once to get it charred and then just pull it down into the tube to snuff it out....

My fiance HATES :cursing: the way is smells...lol

Will have to check the local hobby stores for the price of it and if it's the same stuff..

Thanks again Wick !! :hatsoff:
Hawkthrower said:
Okay, having been whelped on the wrong side of the silver spoon and rasied pretty rough I have to ask a question.
What is a tinder tube and can I see a picture???
Hi Ron, I got mine from Jim Kimpell of High Horse Trading Company. He is a accomplished metal smith and makes lots of neat stuff. It comes with a handmade burning glass too. http://www.highhorsetrading.com/ Click on "fire starting" in the left hand menu.
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That's a pretty unique burning glass !! Is that kept on a cord around the neck ??

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