flint purchase????

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hamiltons book on Frontier guns gives a good "how to" on making both flints and spauls.
What book is this not familiar with it. Is that the full name? Is that the name of it? Looks like something to read. Thanks in advance.
lehigh ,your[url] sig.brings[/url] back a lot of memories thats what my grand dad used to tell me in german(a lot) :crackup: :crackup:
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I wonder if flint from flint ridge (Ohio) could work in a flintlock?
The ones I made did...at least in my musket lock. I always use Flint Ridge flint pieces in my fire kit.
Lehigh. the complete title is Colonial Frontier Guns. I did a search and found it at:
Jas. Townsend & son Inc.
Phone: 574-594-5832
Price: $17.50
Writing it does it no justice. Hearing it come out of the mouth of a short Pa Dutch man make all the difference. :crackup:
thanks for the book title.
I remember that great flint buy from another website. Tom Fuller was shocked by the size of the order. I think the packets were no smaller than 50 flints and most guys bought 100 at a time. He wondered what was going on. I suggested that we were stocking up in case the English had second thoughts about the Revolution.
Just got my first shootable flint rifle so I'll be looking for flints also. TEXAS flints our local Indian knapper said that the best Texas flint is Georgetown flint from central Texas it's in shades of gray and white. Does anybody know anything about this flint. Can we use it? Has anybody used any of this flint in a rifle? If so do we know anybody that can make some flints so we can try them?
Fox :thumbsup:
I'm no geologist, but chances are that if it's from Texas it is novaculite and not "true" gunflint. It has a larger grain structure than French & English flint (and is, I believe, geologically younger by a gozillion years), but the only difference beside color is how it was formed (the faster it forms the smaller the grain texture). The mineral make-up is identical. It will work almost as well, and the price will certainly be right if you knap it yourself.


General Information
Novaculite is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of microcrystalline quartz and is a recrystallized variety of chert. It is dense, hard, white to grayish-black in color, translucent on thin edges, and has a dull to waxy luster. It typically breaks with a smooth conchoidal (shell-like) fracture. The word novaculite is derived from the Latin word novacula, meaning razor stone.
Novaculite is widely distributed in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. Because it is highly resistant to erosion, it forms prominent ridges. The Arkansas Novaculite formation of Devonian and Mississippian age and consists of novaculite interbedded with some shale. It ranges in thickness from about 250 to 900 feet.
Arkansas novaculite is recognized worldwide for its use as whetstones and oilstones, which are used for sharpening knives, surgical instruments, and wood-carving tools. Early Native Americans in Arkansas gathered novaculite boulders and, in the vicinity of Hot Springs in Garland County, quarried the stone to make weapons and tools. In the early 1800's, a quarry of honestone near Magnet Cove in Hot Spring County was mined by early settlers. Records show that novaculite mining in Arkansas was intermittent from 1885 to 1905, but continuous ever since.
the flints i made from rocks i found on my place are dark in color ranging from light to dark brown and when they are wet you can see some swirl or curl in the rock .the cores i look for are somewhat glassy smooth in texture.the outdide crust varies from rust to white
i have been testing these flints on my york rifle with a siler delux lock so far i have fired thirty shots with it and had to knapp it after 15even though i think it was the light rain not letting it spark .afterwards, i finished the last ten shots easily by wiping the frizzen and flint with a dry towel i keep in my shooting box. since these were the first flints i have knapped ,they are crude in form ,more of a teardrop shape from the side view.i am going to make a few for rebel to try out and see if he likes them when i get a few other projects out of the way

p.s. when knapper gets back he and i are going to plan a shootin ,knappin weekend and mebbe pick up a few pointers :p :pan i dont mean sleepin niether :blah: