The various threads on PC guns are getting long--I would like to make a few points: first, when the TC Hawkin first came out there were few competitors and I thought it looked grand (it was percussion of course). It was beyond my meager Army pay (with a wife and two kids). I never owned one, deciding later to jump in and build my own rifles from that as it may, the main problem is that TC named their rifle a "Hawkin" which it is NOT! Now if TC had called it their Plains Rifle, they would have been on firmer ground and some of the controversy today would not humble research has found several examples of original rifles that look much like the TC 'Hawkin'(on the outside). Now the rub, these rifles are ALL late plains rifles of the post 1840 period! Tryon made similar rifles as late as 1875. And ALL were PERCUSSION! The flintlock TC "Hawkin" is simply an historical anomaly. Now, for hunters and target shooters this makes no difference at all. For those of you interested in period dress/gear activities, these rifles do not really fit the pre-1840 'rules', although most rondys accept the TC 'Hawkin' and its clones. To those who say the TC guns do not represent anything in history, you are not quite correct: the percussion ones are representative of guns from several different makers in the 1840-1870s period. You are correct about the flint TCs. To those who care not for rondys or living history events, enjoy your fine-shooting and attractive TCs&etc. BUT, those who want to join in the pre-1840 events ought to look at other guns. It simply does not take that much effort to properly research the guns you need for a personna. There are numerous books and the personal library has over a dozen books on the old guns, yet I have learned much from just going to google and searching. HAVE FUN! :m2c: