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50 Cal.
Oct 12, 2005
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This was mentioned in another thread but it got passed over.

Where - today - can you order rifle and musket flints from and how much they cost. I am not interested in where you ordered them from in the past but rather who has them on hand ready to ship right now.

If you did not know there seems to a shortage of the English flints right now.

got some from Cain's a couple weeks ago. They had alot when I was there. I cant imagine they ran out this quick.

I think the shortage is in the Fuller flints. We haven't had any trouble with our flint suppliers.
I was at Track of the Wolf website and they had some 6s Fuller flints that fit my L&R lock but most of the other sizes were marked "taking orders". I saw this coming last year about this time and ordered enough for a couple years. I bought some of the 6s because the 7/8 was just a hair too long (but still work well after a shot or two)for my L&R but fit the TC just right.

I don't see the price staying at a buck a piece for long; so if you can find your size I would get a little extra.
Mike Lea just took in a shipment of 30,000 flints. What with the depressed value of the dollar versus the pound and the cost of shipping stones across the Atlantic, he is charging $2 per musket flint. I just bought some flints from him at the Mississinewa reenactment this last weekend. He was going to try to make it to the Feast of the Hunter's Moon in Lafayette, IN this next weekend so he is out of pocket right now. He can be reached at [email protected]

By the way flint shards for starting fires will be even harder to come by than flints. Buy what you can when you can is the watchword at this point.

Many Klatch
greetings uncle pig.

get mine from rich pierce. a lot cheaper than the black english. and in my opinion, better.

have many flintlocks and the rich p. flints work great in all of them.

he is on the member list..

+1 for the Rich Pierce flints :thumbsup:
As for fire starting shards,well we don't call em the "Flint Hills" of Kansas just cause it sounds cool... :wink:
I have them by 5gal buckets here, pick them up out of the gravels. They say they came from Canada by the glaciers. Dilly
I don't shoot a lot F/L but when I do it
shoots very well with the Rich Pierce flints.
The man is above reproach.You order and they are in the mail.I ordered and mailed the money and got
the flints the next day. If you are not happy
Rich ain't happy.By the way you get a bakers dozen
when you order.
You can use quartz rocks and have just as good results as flint for fire starters. They CAN be used for gunflints, but in my experience quartz is hard to get to the right shape, and rather fragile for gunflints. But they make great fire starters, and for me anyway, they're a lot easier to get.
Rich Pierce is the man when it comes to flints,i'll never get them anywhere else.try before you buy,what else could you ask for.
Just send him a PT as he is a member here. Check here for him.[url] http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/showuser.php?uid/1953[/url]/
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Many Klatch said:
"...He was going to try to make it to the Feast of the Hunter's Moon in Lafayette, IN this next weekend so he is out of pocket right now. He can be reached at [email protected]..."

All this talk about flint shortage got me nervous so I contacted Stonewall Creek next door in Virginia and salted away a 250 bulk bag of TF 3/4 (x7/8") black english from them this week...his business partner, possibly his Wife, handled the transaction while he was away...thanks for the contact info.

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