Well, my complaints about the second book mirror the first. Too much telling, rather than showing. The author has a good story in mind, but (like most writers) the book would benefit tremendously from a good editor. Everything is spelled out, to a ridiculous degree. I guess my biggest complaint is that this would be a great young adult/kid novel series if it weren't for the R-rated sex. It doesn't further the story, or add anything to the character arcs, but it makes sure that it won't be on any school reading lists. Which is probably the first thing he needs to decide- does he want to write for kids, of for grownups?
My impressions:
1) Not as much gun stuff as in the first one.
2) The story felt padded. He was struggling to reach a page count.
3) The dialogue needs a lot, and I mean a lot, of work.
4) At the end, you already know what the plotline is heading towards, the two antagonists will be Tories, and Wend will settle things up with them in the Revolution.
5) I really, really, want to like the series, and will buy the third book, but the author needs a good editor. He's got a good story in mind, but he really needs someone to help him craft it.