Forged Fire kit

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Jun 22, 2014
Reaction score
Ohio Valley
Evening all, took a break from building today and decided to knock another item off my list of projects. Hand forged a fire pit cook set, along with a dandy squirrel cooker and three S hooks. Made the fire set out of 1/4" square stock and the S hooks from music wire stock. Very pleased with how everything turned out, packs up real nice and certainly will do the job at events.


Forge heated and ready to go.





Tripod configuration

My set is much like that. A cross bar or tripod set up.
I use the tripod set up you show quit a bit. What I found handy is to have several smaller S hooks available, much easier to control cooking temps when various fires are used. Not every fire is made to a bed of coals for cooking, sometime it's chilly and ya want a bigger fire to warm yer bones while at the same time preparing a meal.
Could you provide additional information on the construction of your forge? I appears to be home-made.
You said you made the S hooks out of music wire....
Do you have a link or something to educate me? I didn't know they made music wire that big...
Yes sir it is, this particular one is built from a paint can and used for smaller work. I also have built a larger coal forge from a salvaged smoker grill that will reach forge welding temps. Paint can forge is ran off regular propane, spiral flame tourch tip. Construction is as follows: lined with 2.5" kaowool and also three coatings of ITC-100 refractory lining. Very effective and efficient little frorge!



Coal forge, my favorite!
Good sir, check out any of your local hobby shops. Mine stocks sizes all the way up to 5/16" I favor sizes from 1/8" to 3/32. The second hooks were made from 3/32 wire. My local shop has it labeled as music wire, which I think it's essentially drill rod due to the sizes as you previously mentioned.
Thank you sir! It's certainly an enjoyable experience manipulating metal to your liking. Everything I do is self taught with lots of trial and error. Always more to learn!
Very nice cook set and nicely done on the forges - I like the paint-can forge idea just the right size for that small project. Is your burner one of the hardware store bottle propane torches stuck into the paint can?

You have a great hobby store - the largest "music wire" mine carries is 3/32" (sometimes).
Yes sir I use regular 14 oz propane bottles with a swirl flame torch head. My other forge runs on Kroger hardwood charcoal. Must be Harwood and not the briquettes. I have to say, my coal/charcoal forge is my favorite!

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