40 Cal.
A few weeks ago, I had to take my wife to her Cousin's wedding in Ohio. We made the best of it and hit several historic sites between Georgia and Cincinnati. One was Fort Boonesborough. One of the cabins contained several period muzzleloading firearms and accoutrements. On the wall was a British Brown Bess musket. I was glad to see that. I think that smoothbores, surplus military muskets in particular, are way under represented at Eastern Frontier forts and events. I wasn't there, but I am sure that after the French and Indian War, both British and French muskets could probably have been much more easily obtainable than the beautiful rifles I see in everybody's hands. In fort defense and close fighting with Indians,30 - 50 Yards, I would think that a fast-loading musket either with tow and shot or a single ball, a musket could actually have some advantages. What do y'all think? :hmm: