I think that the Foster (Forster?) Probably works best in a plastic shot cup, as in modern loads. But again, the projectile is a very poor design, to my mind. You are basically shooting a backwards "cup". Think about it. Terminal performance can't be great. All things considered, I believe getting a round ball to shoot well, and accepting range limitations is more reasonable. With the forster/foster, at best you might get a reasonably accurate target load, or perhaps something that might stay on a paper plate at 100, but I would not want to hunt with it.
On minie' balls, I have turned down the base plugs for a very heavy skirt, and have been able to shoot them with up to 90 grains. However, for me, it's a whole lot easier to get a solid slug, such as a minie' with the base plug almost entirely eliminated, or the REAL, to shoot well with a minimum of endless experimentation.