Hey I was at the range the other day and met a guy shooting a modern muzzleloader and asked his thoughts on a fouling shot and his reloading process. He always fires a fouling shot and hunts with a dirty gun cleaning and reloading each day and refouling each day. He doesn't run a patch down between shots. Just curious to know what you do. I'm mainly interested in fouling shots and how your clean shot accuracy is and if you run a patch between shots.
Here's what I do. First, I've been hunting with a clean gun. Then, before each shot I run a dry patch down the barrel and the fire a cap hoping that this clears any gunk I may have pushed into the flame channel or nipple, then to check I blow down the barrel to make sure nothing is plugged. I don't touch my lips to the muzzle so I don't worry about ingesting anything I shouldn't. Anything I should change? Also. sinse I run a patch between each shot, should hunting with a clean gun matter much?
Thanks Guys, Good Luck hunting.
Here's what I do. First, I've been hunting with a clean gun. Then, before each shot I run a dry patch down the barrel and the fire a cap hoping that this clears any gunk I may have pushed into the flame channel or nipple, then to check I blow down the barrel to make sure nothing is plugged. I don't touch my lips to the muzzle so I don't worry about ingesting anything I shouldn't. Anything I should change? Also. sinse I run a patch between each shot, should hunting with a clean gun matter much?
Thanks Guys, Good Luck hunting.