Or some blackberry caviar!that and a quarter will get you a gum ball
Or some blackberry caviar!that and a quarter will get you a gum ball
The age old question has been answered, bears do s#!t in the woods. And under tree stands. Check the seat before you sit down in the dark. Had one drop a deuce on mine some years back when we lived in NW PA.Found this while I was putting up a ladder stand for the up coming muzzleloader season.
At first I thought perhaps a racoon, but it doesn't look like racoon scat. Too much of it.
Possum, too much for a them to leave behind.
Fox, nope.
Coyote, I'm not seeing it.
Pretty sure I know what deposited it but lets hear you all's input.
It appears to be composed of all blackberries.
Length about 4".
Width about 3".
Height about 3/4" to 1".View attachment 248207
I thought that was Tim Hortons!?Pretty sure they sell those at Starbucks.
We have Blueberry patches up here, Blueberry leaves are tasty too, so they get a bit more fiber,, but not much,,that is bear poo
our ursine friend here ate too many berries,,
Cynthialee, I agree. It is bear scat. Used to hunt bears when I lived out west. Saw a fair amount of bear scat but none like this pile. But we didn't have blackberries out there either.that is bear poo
our ursine friend here ate too many berries and it made for a bit of a loose stool
anyways that is my opinion, that and a quarter will get you a gum ball
My thoughts exactly. A younger bear.From your description, young black bear perhaps in a 200 lb. range. look around a bit and see if you can find the berry patch. I would hang a camera also.
Found this while I was putting up a ladder stand for the up coming muzzleloader season.
At first I thought perhaps a racoon, but it doesn't look like racoon scat. Too much of it.
Possum, too much for a them to leave behind.
Fox, nope.
Coyote, I'm not seeing it.
Pretty sure I know what deposited it but lets hear you all's input.
It appears to be composed of all blackberries.
Length about 4".
Width about 3".
Height about 3/4" to 1".View attachment 248207
Yep...a black bear. Know it well living in the Poconos at one time. Cleaned up many a mess after going through my garbage and leaving that sign on top of a garbage can lid.Found this while I was putting up a ladder stand for the up coming muzzleloader season.
At first I thought perhaps a racoon, but it doesn't look like racoon scat. Too much of it.
Possum, too much for a them to leave behind.
Fox, nope.
Coyote, I'm not seeing it.
Pretty sure I know what deposited it but lets hear you all's input.
It appears to be composed of all blackberries.
Length about 4".
Width about 3".
Height about 3/4" to 1".View attachment 248207
Found this while I was putting up a ladder stand for the up coming muzzleloader season.
At first I thought perhaps a racoon, but it doesn't look like racoon scat. Too much of it.
Possum, too much for a them to leave behind.
Fox, nope.
Coyote, I'm not seeing it.
Pretty sure I know what deposited it but lets hear you all's input.
It appears to be composed of all blackberries.
Length about 4".
Width about 3".
Height about 3/4" to 1".View attachment 248207