Fowler versus sighted smoothbore barrel question

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Aug 27, 2004
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Thinking about another build. Never made a smoothie and am trying to decide between a fowler or a sighted smoothbore. I have always been a sight lover on a long gun and am leaning that way. If I were to end up with a fowler barrel would choke be an issue for bullet, provided the ball loaded OK? Any suggestions would be helpful and appreciated.
I don't have the experience with the smoothbores most on here have but like you I prefer a sighted barrel and don't do any bird hunting. My two smoothbores are a Kibler Colonial in .58 and a TC Hawken with a .62 cal Green Mountain barrel. I like them both equally well but the Kibler gets the nod as Flintlocks are just sexy and fun. As for a choke. Were I to go that route from the recommendations I've seen on here I'd go with a jug choke. Tightens up shot patterns and either has no perceivable effect on RB or can even help them depending on the gun.

Okay, no birds outside of Turkeys.
Get what ya want bud . Ive never wanted or needed a choked barrel but sounds like some folks have had good luck with jug choking ... Defiantly put a rear sight on the barrel , you d@mn near double your range by doin that simple act . Love my smoothbore 20 gauges ... They fill the pot every time . Best of luck ... Ifn ya build it post pics !
Thinking about another build. Never made a smoothie and am trying to decide between a fowler or a sighted smoothbore. I have always been a sight lover on a long gun and am leaning that way. If I were to end up with a fowler barrel would choke be an issue for bullet, provided the ball loaded OK? Any suggestions would be helpful and appreciated.
Given the information provided I'd avoid a constriction choke, but would definitely look at having the barrel jug choked to Modified or Full.
A smoothrifle jug choked Modified or full should be just the ticket for deer, turkeys, and squirrels. Maybe even rabbits depending on your hunting style.
In general smoothbores did not have a rear sight. Lots of exceptions to this. Many fusils had a sight added, and the Carolina guns came from the factory with rear sights.
Lots of shooters shoot to fifty yards with bear rifle sized groups with their unsighted smoothies.
I can’t
I need that rear sight
Chocking wasn’t a thing until the very end of ml times.
The area I hunt was a "shotgun only" area for most of my life. As such, I learned early in life how to shoot without a rear sight. It can be done, it takes practice AND a gun that fits you properly. Do what you need to do to accommodate that and you won't need that rear sight. Unless, of course, you plan on shooting PRB's out to 100 yards or more, accurately. If so, build a rifle. In this area shots are close, 50 yards is a long shot, most are within 30. If your locale is the same you can successfully hunt without the rear sight, it didn't stop me from putting game in the pot!

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