I've had the new Flintlock Fowlers book for awhile now and am enjoying it. For the most part it appears these are large guns that were used on water fowl and medium to larger game, especially the Hudson Valley guns. What caught my interest though was that the guns were sometimes pressed into service by militia or minutemen of some sort or another. My question is, whether it was larger waterfowling/medium game guns used primarily as emergency military pieces only, or if smaller bore guns for upland game also saw use? I was thinking in particular of the early action up north in the Revolution (1775-79 maybe?) in New England/NY/NJ/PA. Many fowlers like the ones in the book must have been around, in addition to smaller bore guns. I'd like to know if anyone has an idea as to what sorts of fowlers were going into militia/minuteman use against the British. Was it only large bore water fowl type guns or others too? The book does not really touch on the subject much, aside from a few individual gun studies.