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The Friendship of today is not the Friendship that I grew up in. Change happens, But I still go and sit a spell and talk to those that still camp there.

At the Fall shoot I could only stop in for a Sunday Afternoon, but I ate lunch with Chuck Baker(Doc's Brother), talked to Earl K and some others. I hope that when Im at a point in my life that I can take some days off and camp, it will still be going.....

The fact that yall all get together and have a forum shoot, Im going to put that on my calender for sure.
Luke, you are correct that Friendship has changed. Back in the 60's and 70's there was a lot of Hell-raising, drinking and fighting that went on. Now everyone is older the fighting and Hell-raising are mostly gone. I didn't camp at Friendship back in the day but for the last 20 years Friendship has been a good place to be for a week or so.

Many Klatch
Many Klatch said:
Well pennypincher I was wondering when you would show up. You do seem to have a hate on for the NMLRA.

Many Klatch

So you disagree that the world has changed, and the NMLRA along with it? Or are you still getting gas for $19.9/Gal CRETIN?
Yep, that is the way the US dollar declined and will decline further. No more gas for 20 cents a gallon. But: Not everything in the 60ies and 70ies was cheap either.
But: There is a lot more infrastructure in Friendship,IN than there has ever been before.
Infrastructure needs upkeep and thus funds.
The shoots must finance themselves, so the more people attend, the lower the fees could be.
This is simple math. The more members the NMLRA has, the more people would get in contact with black powder competitive shooting.
Why you can't just come anymore with nothing on your back and never go hungry, and would be able to shoot?
Personally, I was spending 5 days in Friendship,IN a few years ago, sleeping in my truck, buying my powder there and shooting quite a few matches. Powder was $15/pound. Registration was $20. I shot about 15 matches, so I had about $45 in that. I brought my own food (about $7/day) and drank water with added color. I was invited to dinner twice. Bought a few smaller things and I was about $100 out + $30 food.
Yes, it could have been more comfortable, but even on a limited budget, you can still be there and participate.
When I see families eating out here 3 times a week and spending $45 every time for a meal, this doesn't seem excessive to me.
I agree that all things change with time and we may not like all of the changes. But, in my estimation, Friendship, IN and NMLRA are a Mecca and I accept whatever changes that have been necessary in order to keep this black powder Mecca going. For me, it is all worth it and I will go there and thoroughly enjoy myself whenever I can. It's simple, if you enjoy NMLRA, keep up your membership and, if you can, attend and participate in the matches. If it ain't your cup of tea, do something else that gives you pleasure. Life's too short to waste your time knocking things that you don't enjoy and are not willing to take the time and make the effort to change. Who knows, maybe something like ice skating will put the smile back on your face.
Friendship is what it is....A place to go, meet people that are into your hobby, a huge muzzleloading market and a place to compete against the best in the country! I've been going for 4 years, travel 1,200 miles by myself buy gas coming and going, pay for 8 nights in a motel and eat out every night. I have friends from New England I shoot,eat and hang around with, and if I do my job...come home with medals i'm proud of. All of the above are why I go to Friendship!
akapennypincher said:
The good old day of the Friendship Shoot are history, like most good old when you could buy a Coca Cola for a Nickel, a New Car for a Grand and a Half, and a Gallon of Gas for your New Car for $0.19.9/Gallon.

Wake up to 2012[/color]
Yes, it's a different world and everyone has accepted that except you. You really need to take your own advice. :rotf:
akapennypincher said:
Many Klatch said:
Well pennypincher I was wondering when you would show up. You do seem to have a hate on for the NMLRA.

Many Klatch

So you disagree that the world has changed, and the NMLRA along with it? Or are you still getting gas for $19.9/Gal CRETIN?
Everything has changed except you and your unwillingness to accept it. And no need for name calling.
akapennypincher said:
Randy Johnson said:
The late Max Vickery once stated something to the effect that he could go to a shoot with nothing but the clothes on his back and still be able to have a place to sleep, eat, and shoot all week. A lot of things have changed in the muzzleloading game since he made that statement. I like to think that the spirit of what he said is not one of them.

We were out in Friendship a few hours in the Spring of 68 when I was living in Indiana, the people seem kind of friendly.

But I would not show up today with nothing but the cloths on your back, as you will not gat passed the gate gestapoat the NMLRA.

Brink an NMLRA Membership Card, or the Required Fee to join the NMLRA, bring lost and lots of money, as you will need it for registration fee, match fee, camping fees, etc., etc., etc.

The good old day of the Friendship Shoot are history, like most good old when you could buy a Coca Cola for a Nickel, a New Car for a Grand and a Half, and a Gallon of Gas for your New Car for $0.19.9/Gallon.

Wake up to 2012. :applause:

While I have to agree that the Friendship shoots are not what they once were, I stand by my contention that - for the most part anyway - the spirit of Max’s statement still prevails.
For sure, if a person makes the long trip and discovers he forgot to bring a critical item he will not have to purchase a replacement. Someone will have an extra whatever it is and will volunteer it for the duration of the shoot. At least. I got a personal taste of this last October when I arrived at the Southeastern to discover that two of the three poles I needed to erect my tent were still in Indiana. Temporary replacements were quickly provided from a fly setup until I could get into Yadkinville and get a couple of 2Xs to use for the duration. It didn’t happen at Friendship, but if it had, the outcome would have been the same.
I started shooting at Friendship in the early 1970s. In order to do so, a membership card was required, and any match I ever shot in required an entry fee. I’d be willing to bet that such was the case way before either of us had ever heard of Friendship. Are you proposing that it should all be free? If so, please explain how YOU would cover the cost of putting on a shoot the size of Friendship.
I will agree that the NMLRA has made some serious mistakes over the years in relation to attracting new members and keeping the ones they have. Some of these things, like expecting you to pay gate fees if you are a member, have been dropped, although if you are just down for the day you still pay to park. And as someone who can remember when you couldn’t park in the Laker Lot PERIOD unless you were a member, (and you parked free) I think that’s a crock. In 1993, one of the Gate Gestapo pulled my cork sufficiently enough to cause me to resign an active membership. I rejoined this year to be able to attend two events. At present, it’s something under 50/50 as to whether or not I’ll renew when my membership runs out. Regardless, Friendship will go on. It’s survived the loss of folks who have done much more for its continuance that I. Or you.
And I’m glad, because even if some of us are disenchanted with what the NMLRA in general, and Friendship in particular, has become, there are still those who feel the passion for it that we once did. Let’s try being happy for them.
We currently have a good group of people working to open lines of communication with members and hopefully fix some problem areas. We are also working hard to avoid past financial mistakes that along with economy have caused problems.
We need open dialogue with membership to solve problems and promote participation and growth. But we have to remember what I think is a great idea someone else may think is not so great,by working together we can and must come to agreement. I understand gettin upset and leaving organization,but would hope everyone would exhaust all other alternatives first.
As board member and current treasurer I am willing to listen to all suggestions, but make no promises, we will all win some and lose some as it should be in a group. The NMLRA is to important to let go by the wayside, we must find common ground in our love of muzzleloading and move forward.
AMEN ! Dixie. I want to thank you for what you do for NMLRA. I don't know what other folks may do but I will continue to keep up my membership in NMLRA even though I am unable to attend the shoots and participate in the comraderie of Friendship because I now live in Texas rather than in Indiana. NMLRA, more than any other organization or person, is what keeps muzzleloading going. It is my hope that NMLRA will continue to exist and grow for many years to come.
Dixie, I support the NMLRA and try to attend as many functions as I can. I usually stay busy shooting on the primitive side so I don't cross the road much except to shop or shoot silhouettes.

Many Klatch
I go to Friendship to shoot my flintlocks, buy supplies and be with good friends. In thirty years I have not let politics interfere with this. Friendship will always be my #1 priority
every year.
we still need to get a bunch of us forum members together at the woodswalk to shoot. there is a traveling trophy to win. :wink:
I was on the forum woodswalk last year. There was only four of us that shot. There was double the amount of members on the site but only four came out to shoot. It was a great time I hope more show up next year. I just checked my calendar I can still say next year!
I had to miss the Forum woodswalk this year, but I will be there in 2013.

Many Klatch
The NMLRA has an 18 station woodswalk that is one of the more popular events. It runs all week long. There is a category for any type of muzzleloader. Grizz and I usually compete with Military muskets and with Rifles. Our Military Musket match is a private match just between us and some close friends. Out of a possible 18 we usually need to score an 11 to be in the running just between us. If we get serious about competing we will show up with one of our smaller bore smoothbores and try for 15 or 16 to be in the overall running.

Anyway. Last year we thought that it would be fun to have all of the forum members that were at Friendship show up for the woodswalk. The targets range from 8" gongs at 100 yards to Popsicle sticks and cards at 20 feet. Chains and a steel snake at various ranges. Last year I think Jethro won it and he has the traveling trophy.

So anyone that happens to be on the Friendship grounds the first weekend will be invited to come shoot both guns and bull with your fellows from the Muzzleloading Forum.

Rules? We don't need no stinking Rules!

Many Klatch
It's the first Sunday of the shoot in the morning - 9 am, IIRC.
Forum members gather at the Woodswalk hut and take a walk in the woods - :grin: sorry couldn't resist.

All kinds of different targets placed along a nice trail. Some easier some not so easy - as MK described it.
It is indeed a lot of fun and I had the honor to take part last June. You walk a little, talk a little, shoot a little, mock a little, get mocked a little - the way Jethro put it: the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

Ahhrg, guys you're not making it easier on me here, I have to figure out a way going again next year.


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