Not the ones I lived with on the North Slope.I don't do innards. Even Eskimos leave that on the ice.
Not the ones I lived with on the North Slope.I don't do innards. Even Eskimos leave that on the ice.
Hearts are the best part , There are any number of hunters I know who carry a small container of garlic butter to fry up sliced heart . Any of you guys hang your deer or meat for 2 weeks in a cooler before butchering it ? if you want tender venison ,skin off the silver membrane before cooking , it shrinks in the heat and sure toughens up the meat . Back steaks with the blue membrane removed then cut across the grain into ½ inch steaks and fried quickly in a pan using garlic butter , 1 minute a side ,are hard to go past .Never fried no deer meat but the livers were always served that night fried up with bacon and onions then simmered in brown gravy. For some reason hearts were left with the gut pile.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Maybe in the past. Now you have all those west coast transplants. Isn't going to be cowboy Texas much longer. May have to give it back to Mexico if this keeps up! ( just kidding about the give back )
Now....there's something you don't see every day!He's a spleen, this one was mine. Taken out because it was enlarged and cancerous
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Beto O 'Dork does not stand a chance--in Texas you do not threaten to take a
cowboy's guns!
Wait till they bring in the wolves.You folks might have all this nomenclature a bit skewed. 'Bout 30 years ago , our state game commission , as it was called, evolved into a bloated . self centered , bureaucracy , that began turning on the very people that funded it , .......hunters ! They brought truck loads of out of state coyotes in to kill off the deer herd, Tried to plant mtn. lions in the woods , stocked Pine martins state wide , to kill off the "big woods" small game populations , and kept bear populations on the rise to further damage deer fawn numbers. Then , the commission "BLAMED" hunters for the current problems generated by the commission's own insanity. The current commission is now called , the " STATE BLAME Commission". Their goal is to get rid of hunting with firearms. Ya gotta love it.......Put enough predators in the woods to kill off game populations , and claim the need to do it as , "scientific management " . The result of all this , "scientific management " , is the need for more hunting license funding. Again , "BLAMING" hunters for complaining about fee increases. Does all this sound familiar ?????
Hearts are the best part , There are any number of hunters I know who carry a small container of garlic butter to fry up sliced heart . Any of you guys hang your deer or meat for 2 weeks in a cooler before butchering it ? if you want tender venison ,skin off the silver membrane before cooking , it shrinks in the heat and sure toughens up the meat . Back steaks with the blue membrane removed then cut across the grain into ½ inch steaks and fried quickly in a pan using garlic butter , 1 minute a side ,are hard to go past .
Here in New Zealand the absolute standard way of hunting wild pigs is with dogs , finders , bailers and the occasional holder then sticking the pig with a knife , because of the nature of the country the dogs are fitted with GPS tracking collars . The hunter must be as fit as his dogs . I am a deer stalker and have little or no interest in pigs . We have Red , Sika, Fallow , Whitetail , Rusa , and Sambur deer , Himalayan Thar ( mountain goat) and European Chamois ( mountain antelope), as well as Hares , Rabbits , Australian opossums and wild pigs , no seasons , no limits, either sex . Permits are required for Govt land , or permission of the land owner , that is it .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Is that just wishful thinking BOSTON Bill? Well forget it , the young Texans of all colors brown, black, yellow, green, red, and white are just as TEXAN as us old codgers, some of them even hunt big feral hogs with KNIVES! Many of them have been to the sandhill war and Awfulgandastan for their training.
Wasn’t it a character named Boss Hogg that ate the stuff uncooked in a comedy series of two hillbillies and a blond Dixie who ran around in a souped up Dodge Charger named the General. I like it cooked a bit my self.Most wardens around here are decent. But I don't eat liver from anything.
You can have it all, raw and cooked. I’ll take Daisy instead.Wasn’t it a character named Boss Hogg that ate the stuff uncooked in a comedy series of two hillbillies and a blond Dixie who ran around in a souped up Dodge Charger named the General. I like it cooked a bit my self.
Leave the liver take and eat the heart.
I have a friend that I give the liver to use to give him the heart also. But I found 2 recipes I like.Eat both, Liver just needs a soaking in water for a while.
Its hard to beat calves liver! In my house we fricasee it with a roue seasoned with tomato sauce.I have a friend that I give the liver to use to give him the heart also. But I found 2 recipes I like.
My grandmother use to do the livers both deer and calf’s. I just couldn’t get it past my
Rudyard , we now have genuine European Wild Boar released into the wild here in New Zealand , They are double fierce when it comes to dogs and hunters .The GPS bit is new, But pig hunting (We don't use dramatic terms like' Wild Boar') is other than the pick up with dogs aboard . Has'nt changed since the dawn of time or men & dogs part of it, If the Boar spear bit isn't useual . I just shot pigs as I happened apon them no dog pack. Just a Beagle that wasn't exactly meant to persue pigs .He persued everything else mind mostly beyound my reach but he was good company & as good as a extra blanket at night except that blankets don't chase pigs in their sleep .
I guess it’s off topic a bit, but, problem solved!Just thought I'd throw this in, the reason we got a new game warden. The previous warden was named
Tom, he always worked in some type of program such as game & fish or forest ranger and in some way
working with youths, mainly boys. Now Tom worked all over, east coast to west coast and several places
in between, we wondered why he moved around so much, he was a home county boy, figured he would
want to stick around.
As it turned out he was staying one step ahead of the authorities. When Tom finally did return to our county
it all caught up to him. He liked to take young boys camping and swimming, problem was some of those
youths didn't go for his idea of fun and spoke up. An investigation led to an indictment.
He never went to trial, instead he shot himself in the head.
I have a friend that I give the liver to use to give him the heart also. But I found 2 recipes I like.
My grandmother use to do the livers both deer and calf’s. I just couldn’t get it past my