I have some center seam moc's with a wool liner. I just cut the wool and the leather at the same time and that worked fine.
If you are making center seam mocs, DON'T cut them like the Townsend kit (shows a giant "m" in front of the sides). If you do, when you sew them up, the seam will be below your toes and you will always have wet feet, even when it's just damp out. Instead cut them as a giant "n" so the toe section comes up over the top and is gathered behind the toes. That's what makes a "pucker-toe" center-seam moccasin work so well. It keeps your feet much drier.
I like to use mocs, but as others have said, I cheat too. Mine is not so obvious though. I have to wear orthotics because of a foot/ankle problem I have, so I put those inside my mocs, just like I do for other shoes. So you can't tell my looking that I'm wearing them.
Good news is that it makes walking on gravel and rocky ground much more pleasant. I usually try to avoid gravel anyhow though because it wears the mocs out more quickly.
I also use some Gokey "Indian Waterproof Dressing", which is a beeswax mixture of some kind. It will keep me waterproof for about a day and a half on damp ground, and then I will need to re-treat them or just get wet. Bad news is that I'm not sure it's being made anymore. They still make a leather treatment lotion, but it's not waterproof like the paste was.
Twisted_1in66 :thumbsup: