I am a member at several local shooting clubs/private ranges, that have nothing to do with Muzzleloading.
Was hoping to perhaps guage if there would be interest enough to get others introduced and started shooting black powder, with the ultimate goal of getting one of these clubs to host monthly BP matches.
Was thinking about maybe trying to set up a Muzzleloading clinic where members can come learn how to load, shoot, and clean traditional muzzleloaders, and perhaps have a few of my rifles available for them to use. Have been hesitant, because of reservations about having guns damaged, and expense of supplying unknown quantity of powder, caps, and lead.
Was wondering what advice or suggestions members here might offer
or perhaps experiences and cautions about how you have done or attempted to accomplish similar projects in the past.
Was hoping to perhaps guage if there would be interest enough to get others introduced and started shooting black powder, with the ultimate goal of getting one of these clubs to host monthly BP matches.
Was thinking about maybe trying to set up a Muzzleloading clinic where members can come learn how to load, shoot, and clean traditional muzzleloaders, and perhaps have a few of my rifles available for them to use. Have been hesitant, because of reservations about having guns damaged, and expense of supplying unknown quantity of powder, caps, and lead.
Was wondering what advice or suggestions members here might offer