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German RWS musket caps

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45 Cal.
Dec 5, 2004
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I am hearing rumours RWs musket caps are no longer being manufactured,is this so? I was about to buy a case of CCI musket caps but having read a post on the following page concerning cap fragmentation in the 6 wing caps I'm not so sure.I have checked with Remington and they told me they will no longer be making caps.What to do?Is there another brand or source of reliable,4 wing musket caps?Best regards,J.A.
I was in Australia, with the USIMLT, for the ML World Championships this summer, & we were expecting to be issued RWS musket caps when we got there. Dynamit-Nobel had informed the folks who had ordered the caps that the musket cap machinery had been 'down' for a few months, so we used CCI musket caps instead. The CCIs were fine, & I'd use them again, but I have heard they can be more frangible than the RWS, though I think this may be more of a problem for the folks who shoot more closely ranked ie. reenactors, NSSA, etc. than it is for target shooters. Hopefully the story about the machinery being down is true & it is only a temporary shortage.
Has anyone tried Navy Arms Co. caps? I purchased several tins (real not plastic) of them last year. They came in 250per tin. Only thing is they are/were made in Brazil. To ID them the tin is the standard tin size, thier label is white with a set of crossed cannons with an anchor overlayed on them.
Aye,Runball,you post was the one I read which prompted this post.I have no doubt to the reliability of CCI's to detonate I just don't want fragmentation.I'll do a google for dynamit-nobel.Best regards,J.A.
:confused: I must read the wrong publications , because I have not seen a Navy Arms ad in years! I did not know they were still in business? :shocked2:
Their line is not as diverse as it once was plus they cater more to the BP cartridge and CW types now but yes they are still in business. They even have a web site.
The Navy Arms tins that I have were bought at one of the local Gun stores. I guess up here in the north they are more popular or more common since I find them in several "regular" gun stores. Not ones specifically catering to Civil War reenactors. I guess you just have to look for them, or request them from the store. Maybe I just hit more gun shops than your regular shooter. You have to stop in the little one man operations tucked out in the boonies, you never know what interesting items you will find in comparison to the cookie cutter gun stores like Cabela's, or Gander Mt., or Bass Pro. And don't forget those modern type un shows, you can always find a little ole fellow sitting back in the corner selling off his personal stash of "common then" hard to find now Items. I have several old tins of remington caps that I bought this way for a couple bucks each that still have the original Green Dupont seal around them.