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SSE heard I was looking for a patch knife and generously offered to send me an antique original and I would pay him what I thought it was worth.
What a FRIEND!
Well I got it today.
I'll just say.. BAWWWWWWWW-Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :crackup: :crackup:
ROTFLMAO :crackup: :crackup:
He can explain. I can't quit laughing... :applause: :applause: :haha: :haha:
Hi there maxi. Can we say: PRANK? Dunno what to say. The devil made me do it. :blah:

I saw maxi was lookin fer a knife, so I thought I would float a liddle bait and see if I'd get a bite. Well, had 'im pegged good. When I said I had an authentic patch knife that looks like somebody took it outta Dan'l Boone's hunting pouch, he swooped in and sent his addy quicker'n a coon on duck eggs. :D

Course what I had in mind, was one of those short stainless, plastic handled kitchen knives, retail value $1.29, which he still owes me, BTW. :blah: :: ::

Regards, :haha: sse
Ha Ha I'm a telin' ya what with friends like dat we don't need no stinkin' enemies! :blah: :haha: :blah: :haha: :blah:LOL!

Good one sse wished I'd thought of it! :master: :master: LOL!

Yeah, I really nailed this one, in fact I think I already got epicondylitis from pattin myself on the back. Picture a fella laughing audibly all the way to the store and to the post office (and typing this). :blah:

Hey maxi, just wanna say thanks . ::

Regards, :haha:sse
maxi - Sounds like you done good there. OK, to make up for this awful trick, I'll send out some bear fat when I get a fresh batch and I promise it won't be alive when I send it.

Regards, sse
SSE: yeah, right! it'll probably be roadkill squeezin's.
I wouldn't know bear fat from a jug of water.
Actaully that thar little paring knife will make a pretty good li'l patch knife till bd6's gets here. :eek:
Wait until you get those grizzly bear claws I promised you... (they're really my brother's ex-wife's toe nails...) :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
if you are serious about a patch knife i highly suggest
you contact paul harm at p.h. forge [email protected]
phone 810-724-5582 this guy is a jewel and is very good at what he does. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
snake-eyes1000: thanks for the tip, but I deal with birddog6 as he is a friend, board member, builder of fine flintlocks and a purddy smart feller. ( makes a really ,really nice knife too!)
'What, you don't trust me? ::'

Of COURSE I trust you!
You've been a friend since the old Shooters days and I've watched you actually learn a thing 'er two....well, o.k. maybe ONE thing. Anyway I was fooling around in the back shed the other day and mixed some nitric acid with some glycerine they use to make soap with. It's the darndest stuff!
I believe I've found the perfect replacement for T-7.
This stuff is a liquid and you just pour about half a cup of it down yer barrel and touch 'er off! Man I'll tell ya it really packs a punch.
I have a gallon comming your way, very carefully packed in styrofoam as it's a bit shock sensitive.
I want you to give it a try and post results here.
I [color="666666"] WAS [/color] going to, but I had so much fun with Stumpy's lube I'd feel guilty testing this new propellant mawself. I just want to spread the fun around and since you sent me that wonderful original patch knife that belonged to Davey Crockett, I think you should have the honor of testing this here new propellant.
By the way, I have access to some bare meat, you wanna have me send you some bare oil??? :thumbsup: :peace: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
I'll keep look out fer that, maxi. Fer a while I thought you were gonna send me a liddle envelope with white powder innit. :p

Should I have the bomb squad on call for when it arrives?? :: Not that you wouldn't send something totally safe, but seems I recall some of your casualty losses due to incendiary mishaps and someone rang the dinner bell just as you were mixing up the stuff, well, you know, inadvertence could BLOW ME TO KINGDOM COME!!!!! :eek:

Regards, sse

P.S. Hey, and don't worry about the $1.29 fer that knife, yer good fer it. :blah:
Thanks sse: I wasn't going to pay the #1.29 anyway. :haha:
Don't worry about the "package" as I doubt it will make it there anyway.
Look just because I've bulged a few barrels and start my load development 20% above sanity doen't mean I'm careless, merely adventuresome. :crackup: :crackup:
(great fun we have here hey? ::)
Maxi I hope you didn't mark that package FRAGILE ya sent to sse ifn ya did they're sure to treat it ruff. LOL! And I'm afraid he won't git to try her out! :cry:

I wasn't going to pay the #1.29 anyway
Actually, maxi, I paid $3.29 for it, well maybe it was $5.29, least not a cent less than 9 or 10 forty nine, well maybe $29.29, guess it was quite a bit more after all. Dunno if you can afford two knives!! :: :haha: :haha: ::

Regards, sse
Hurumph!!! I used that little buck 29 p.o.s. as a patch knife shooting my jeager today. Sharp as a razor! Worth a hun'ert bucks to me! :crackup: :crackup:
Maxiball - I saw a really nice tooth brush in the store t'other day and it goes fer jus about $1.29, plus tacks. So I bin waitin for the accts rec'ble to be rec'd, which they aint yet. Meantime, I guess a brass bore brush will have to do.

Regards, sse
"tooth brush in the store t'other day and it goes fer jus about $1.29, plus tacks"

Now who would use tacks on a toothbrush!
You ain't even right! :youcrazy: :youcrazy: