The benefit might be a powder that New York retailers might carry. They have given up on "real" blackpowder because of impratical state-mandated storage requirements.
CayugaD. If you get a chance I'd really like to hear if it works in flintlocks. According to GOEX, it will even work as a priming charge. That would be a Godsend (I can see the writing on the wall that BP is in danger of disappearing from my life if it becomes restricted against mail order shipments to individuals).
I'll buy real blackpowder as long as I can, but it's good to have a "Plan B".
CayugaD. If you get a chance I'd really like to hear if it works in flintlocks. According to GOEX, it will even work as a priming charge. That would be a Godsend (I can see the writing on the wall that BP is in danger of disappearing from my life if it becomes restricted against mail order shipments to individuals).
I'll buy real blackpowder as long as I can, but it's good to have a "Plan B".