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10 gauge

40 Cal.
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
I was just at the GOEX website, they are asking all of us to write them a letter and explain the difficulties and burdens that the black powder purchasing regulations/laws are doing to our shooting sports.
They want to use these letters to petition the harsh rules & regulation that make purchasing black powder so difficult. If they can get these rules/laws overturned this would mean that black powder could be purchased from all sporting good stores and make it more affordable.
If this is old news please disregard, if not how do we get GOEXs petition add posted under announcements? Thanks 10 Gauge
Yes, it is somewhat old news...and worse, in spite of being approached by various individuals, including the owner of this fine MLF, offering to assist Goex in galvanizing large volumes of supportive memos, the offers were refused.

The suggestions to Goex were for them to simplify the process by establishing an Email address to which hundreds (thousands?) of BP enthusiasts could send their email memos of support.

Amazingly, they refused.

Their approach is woefully behind the times in this day and age...not very many people are going to go to the trouble of finding paper, writing a memo, getting envelopes & stamps, addressing the envelope & mailing it, etc...large volumes of people are not going to do that...but if they had put up an Email address they would have been covered up with email memos from all over the world.

There seems to be an attitude of "we know everything, our way is best" while at the same time asking people for their support to help the future of their business.

Seems to me its time for a paradigm shift at Goex.
Good gracious, that's no inconvenience...to this day I'm still shocked at their lack of interest in having a concerted effort launched by all of us...we could have their request for memos along with their email address posted on scores and scores of websites within 24 hours and the flood would begin...just don't understand those folks
I did send them a letter somewhere around last April. I couldn't find any BP anywhere that I used to buy it. I only wanted 1 lb. of 2F. I had to order it in the mail, 5 lbs. minimum and it cost me $94.00. Now I have 4 lbs more than I originally wanted and a lot less money. :shake: Basset
roundball Their approach is woefully behind the times in this day and age...not very many people are going to go to the trouble of finding paper said:
True, but the sad fact is that for a petition to be legal it must be SIGNED and have a mailing address. At least that is what I think the regs are. Still can't figure out why the Co. doesn't seem to want any help/suggestions.
Signatures may be required for things like establishing an official position to put a political candidate on a ballot or something, but I'd be surprised that what Goex is asking for would rise to that level of officiality.

And here again...if that was the case Goex could have simply stated that but they gave none of that as rationale...I was struck by the attitude that they had not thought about an Email approach, had already taken a public position on snail-mail, and then wouldn't change their position no matter what...gave me the "thanks, we'll look into that" brush off, and of course nothing ever came of it...still no discreet Email for their memo requests.
I fired them off a letter some months back and tried to spread the word where I could. I agree with Roundball that an email address would have given their campaign a much higher chance of success. I doubt if their snail mail replies number in the hundreds. Emails would no doubt have been in the many thousands.
My local Canadian tire has primers and bullets but NO real black powder
it would be really nice not to either go 2 hours from town, or rely on fellows in the reinacting community to buy powder.
Hell charge me 30$$ a pound and it would still be worth it.
Im down to 2 lbs and thats going to be mostly gone by the end of September "and maybe sooner"

Actually our bass pro mills shop only carries subs aswell, as it seems most of my Countrymen prefer Inl#ne muzzleloading just so they can take advantage of the traditional season.

Goex would make a killing if they sold out of Canadian tire
nchawkeye said:
The sad thing is...If it were easier for folks to walk in and pick up a can of Goex, their sales would double...

I would buy some VS Pyrodex RS (not that Pyro RS isnt good, but i'd try "real" BP if it was easier to get).
It couldn't be any easier to get...call a toll free # and 2-3 days later its on your front porch
roundball said:
Yes, it is somewhat old news...and worse, in spite of being approached by various individuals, including the owner of this fine MLF, offering to assist Goex in galvanizing large volumes of supportive memos, the offers were refused.

The suggestions to Goex were for them to simplify the process by establishing an Email address to which hundreds (thousands?) of BP enthusiasts could send their email memos of support.

Amazingly, they refused.

Their approach is woefully behind the times in this day and age...not very many people are going to go to the trouble of finding paper, writing a memo, getting envelopes & stamps, addressing the envelope & mailing it, etc...large volumes of people are not going to do that...but if they had put up an Email address they would have been covered up with email memos from all over the world.

There seems to be an attitude of "we know everything, our way is best" while at the same time asking people for their support to help the future of their business.

Seems to me its time for a paradigm shift at Goex.

It has long been said that a handwritten letter sent by snail mail, goes right to to a politician's desk. (or CEO in this case) Most electronic mail and petitions get a form letter reply at best, or are immediately filed into the Ethernet waste can.