I was just at the GOEX website, they are asking all of us to write them a letter and explain the difficulties and burdens that the black powder purchasing regulations/laws are doing to our shooting sports.
They want to use these letters to petition the harsh rules & regulation that make purchasing black powder so difficult. If they can get these rules/laws overturned this would mean that black powder could be purchased from all sporting good stores and make it more affordable.
If this is old news please disregard, if not how do we get GOEXs petition add posted under announcements? Thanks 10 Gauge
They want to use these letters to petition the harsh rules & regulation that make purchasing black powder so difficult. If they can get these rules/laws overturned this would mean that black powder could be purchased from all sporting good stores and make it more affordable.
If this is old news please disregard, if not how do we get GOEXs petition add posted under announcements? Thanks 10 Gauge