Gold Plated Muzzleloaders?

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Have not searched for plated muzzleloaders; but want to warn that gold plating, even high quality gold plating, will not do well if the muzzleloader is shot.

Bright plating might interfere with a good sight picture.

Over many years I have seen lots of pricey, high quality commemorative guns with gold plating, gold trim, etc. and it does not hold up well when the guns are handled much and or used.

Have actually had bits of flaked gold plating come off guns and cut into fingers... ouch.

Should be fine for a display muzzleloader.

Best wishes however you decide on the possible present!

Just my personal opinion.
I would take the money, and buy 3 or 4 regular rifles, rather than one gold plated.
It sounds like a spendy wall hanger to me.
Boy, you really have it bad for this guy huh? :grin: I agree, take the money and buy him a new gun he can shoot and maybe a nice bag and horn to go with it.
Okay girl you asked the question are there gold plated muzzleloaders? Probably some where and as most of this forum said they would not be pratical. Yes I have seen some but they fit in the revolver or pistol class not rifle or shotguns. Don't think I can help you with this one. I know he liked the powderhorn but this is a bad idea. Give us something else to help you with.
Fox :thumbsup:
I think your friend would rate a gold plated muzzleloader like Gen Patton did when asked if the grips on his .45 Colt were made of Mother of Pearl.

I believe he said something to the effect of, "These grips are Ivory. Only a Pimp in New Orleans would carry a pearl handled pistol."

In other words, your friend would acknowledge that you really wanted to please him and that you are sweet and thoughtful, but inside, he would be saying, "Now what the hell am I going to do with this?"
I know a guy that has some gold plating on parts of the lock. The pan was plated and some other parts. It wasn't guady it was very artistic and pretty but still made me think "I'd never shoot it". To all of our surprise he shot it and outshot most of us with it.
D Rat, He must have just been a batter shot on that particular day, I doubt the gold had anything to do with how it shot.
My Hawken's has some gold (looking) stuff in some of the fancy recessed work on certain parts, including the name, and it's factory, and looks good.
But its not real gold, Im sure its the stuff you rub in stampings Etc., then wipe the excess off and let it dry. But it has to be on the right gun, or it wouldn't look good.
I dont know how to post a picture, Im a CIOF but could e-mail it if someone wanted to post it.
CIOF - Computer illiterate old fart.
Just like the ornate "presentation model"guns that are too nice to shoot.You could shoot it but the rigors of handling,loading and cleaning would make short work of the gold plating.Get a field grade gun with fancy tiger stripe maple but leave the gold plating off of working guns.
give him something nice and practical. My grandfather had a 22 rifle with silver inlay every where. I fell in love with the rifle (looks are not everything). He promised me when he died I could have the shotgun under my "hearts desire".22 rifle. That single shot 16 gauge shotgun was everything he said it would be. The rifle was beautiful but the shotgun practical and a great squirrel gun. So go with practical and usable over flash when it comes to guns and black powder. :thumbsup:
3 things....
Fred don't deserve a gold plated anything! :blah:
Where are the pictures at?
Did ya happen to see my hatchet, I let someone use it at the shoot and can not locate it.

Thanks Bill
As you have gathered Gold is not a viable option, on another note when buying a guy an expensive present such as a ML, custom golf clubs, motercycle, it is a good idea to have a very solid understanding of exactly what he likes, wants, or needs in whatever manner of boy toys he favours.
Yea this is a good question. Look on my post and you will see a gun that is gold plated. Yes I bought it and now I can't decide to shoot it? Look under Billygoat post and look for photo and you will see the gun. It looks great, almost too great to shoot. It I had to do it all over I would have bought a good hand made gun without all the trimings. :hmm:
Cabelas has BP revolvers with some kind of gold finish,,look sharp,,,but I think they are PIETTA's,, :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
-----MAYBE THEIR GOOD WITH BUTTER AND JELLY----- YAAAAAHOOOO--- :yakyak: :yakyak: :yakyak:
HAHHAHA you guys are funny, i'll give you that.

BPB, Freddy deserves more than i could ever give him!

Yes it would be a show piece, display, he's got enough things to fire off. Guns i mean :wink:

Thanks for the laughs, you guys are characters!

He's a little sneak and found my post. By accident i'm sure. And he calls me a snooper. hahaha

........ When a girl like me finds the right man that makes me happy and has given me more hope, love and support, no present is ever good enough. Although the power horns were a big hit :grin:

PS he asked for my ring size.

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