Good Raw Cow Horn Price's Sail!

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Jul 7, 2007
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For someone who enjoys making Traditional Powder Horns for many years. It doesn't take long to see that several quality raw horn suppliers are now taking the high profit road by selling their best raw cow horns on _bay or other online auctions and leaving less desired horns on their web sites for sale to customers.

A recent auction on _bay sold one RAW horn from a dealer/supplier for $117.50! :shocked2: ..... That's ridiculous!

At those prices, we'll sure stop our dehorning each spring branding. Let's see now..... $117 x 2 horns per x 400+ animals. Ummm. Yup. I think I can afford that Chambers kit now! :hatsoff:
Some people just seem to get caught up in the excitement of bidding and don't use common sense.
...........$117.50...?.......I doubt if the whole damn cow was worth that much! :shake:
I was watching that auction just to see how rideculous it would get. I was thinking about using that supplier also because they have a sale on there website 10 horns for like a hundred dollars. Then I read one of there auctions and it said that all of their most desirable horns will be put on ebay. oh well I will just need to find a different supplier.
Hmmmm is there a law against horn rustlin,I mean just makin things safer for the farme an all