Wish I had pictures, but years ago I saw the rack I liked best. The fellow had carefully selected and pruned a manzanita branch, leaving lots of smaller limbs in place while shortening them. Stripped all the bark off the thing (that ain't easy with manzanita, BTW) and sanded it so the incredible color showed through, then finished it. I never got mine made because it was soon clear that it takes just the right branch to work. His was flat on the back and hit the wall in three places for hanging.
Best cases or scabbards I have seen were really unique too. Another guy owned those: He kept the hide of the whole hind quarter of a moose and an elk intact when skinning- didn't split them, rather he turned them inside out like a fox skin. He clipped the hide off at the hoof on both of them, but said on his next one he was going to find a way to leave the hoof in place.
Tanned with the hair on and a little judicious tapering and sewing on the back side up at the ham, he turned out a couple of incredible cases. Next time I shoot something with legs long enough, I'm going to make one myself.