Gun Flint Knapping Instructions???

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40 Cal.
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Central Texas
I am not a stranger to flint knapping and have included some pictures of my work. I want to learn to knap flints for flintlocks. Is there a book or video out there that shows how? Thanks for your help. ET

Nice arrow heads :bow:
I can't believe you would have any trouble knaping a flint for a rifle.
Have never been a really good flint knaper. I can make them work for a few more shots, but will leave the instructions to the experts.
I like the Clovis points. Since you are a knapper you may have heard of the blue Coshoctan flint from N.E. Ohio. I was told by flintknappers that it sparks really well so you might give it a try and let us know how it works.
Since you can obviously make great arrowheads, I'm sure you won't have any trouble making a flat rectangle with a couple sharp edges. :wink:

No problem with the rectangle shape. I just wanted to make the crown and thickness where they would be useable. Also there are usually tricks and techniques to make certain flint shapes or items. Thanks for your help. ET
First off I gotta say....Nice arrowheads
Secondly I thought I'd show ya what I use to knap flints with.

It's an old Brass Bed Frame key with a notch filed into the end of it.I just hold it at a slight angle with the sharp tip of the flint in the notch and tunk the end of it with my ball starter.I only try for very small pieces off of the bottom edge of the flint.It works for me.
Basicaly you want to strike a shard off the core that is the width that you want your flints to be, it may be 1-3inches long then it can be broken into pieces the length you want if you take 5-6 flints os a similar size and lay them together with the shap edges along the one side and the flat down you will get the idea of what your core flake should look like. you probably have scads of mini flint flakes around when working your points, you can also strike off a single piece/flake that is the size you need or close and work it to fit with pressure flaking leaving one sharp edge, often these will come of nearly usable with two or three good edges.I imagine some of your flakes you strike off to make small points could be shaped to make a gunflint.Work it cold and not heat treated for gunflints they will last longer.