Gun show find

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Found a nice little jewel at the local gun show yesterday. Lefthand .50 Cal flintlock from Dixie Gunworks.
Yikes! I have this classic Dixie, Miroku-made, Japanese Cherry wood stocked, .50 cal. rifle!
They were a run done for lefties, and were in the Dixie catalog for many years until sold out. Around E. Pa., I see them once in a blue moon at a show or Dixon's for about $325.
They're authentic Southern Mt., and as I grew up using right hand guns of all types, I can go with either side! (I'm a lefty). Nice buy! Thanks for sharing! By the time they were sold out, the catalog was about $650. for them.
Yeah, for some reason, all I find are guns in half that good of shape and 1500 dollar price tags!! I really wonder about people at gunshows. They CAN'T be selling them at those prices.

Yeah, I see them very rarely, but because they're lefties, they're harder to sell. These Dixies are authentic! I've seen two in last several years at about $325. I love mine! I have a Lyman left-hand Great Plains .54 percussion, too. But I use either side!
Yeah...I know... LOL. Got one son who shoots wrong--handed.
A WW2 movie, maybe Saving Pvt. Ryan, had a lefty sniper; since I grew up (I'm a lefty) using right-hand guns, I can work a bolt action just like that actor; I've had people comment on my speed as a lefty, it's just natural for me to crank a bolt that way. Great buy!
Yeah, for some reason, all I find are guns in half that good of shape and 1500 dollar price tags!! I really wonder about people at gunshows. They CAN'T be selling them at those prices.

Doc, I see this all the time. I think there is often a story behind these. "honey don't you think you have too many guns?" "But darling I'm trying to sell them"
I'm amazed at the price people pay. maybe I'm lucky, but I've never paid more than $200 for any t/c muzzleloader. I have a lyman gpr that I bought at an auction for $120. Even a Charles Dailey (Italian repro) hawken for $80. Is this really that unusual? All right hand guns.

Very nice find. With the prices you paid, I'm thinking of moving, lol.
There's a reason that Lefties were called 'sinister' sided in olden times; in heraldry, etc., it was considered somehow evil to be left handed.
That in part comes from hand shake. Hand shake intent was to check opponents arm weight for weapon. Since the primary hand was right the perception was handling anything left handed was a conception of evil and or the devil. Some cultures adjusted and started a l/r forearm grasp as way to greet. Not as friendship but a continuation of weapons check.
That in part comes from hand shake. Hand shake intent was to check opponents arm weight for weapon. Since the primary hand was right the perception was handling anything left handed was a conception of evil and or the devil. Some cultures adjusted and started a l/r forearm grasp as way to greet. Not as friendship but a continuation of weapons check.
I'm a Lefty! And not evil! The old time history is always fun to read and research!
Very nice find. With the prices you paid, I'm thinking of moving, lol.
Yeah, I've found some nice, discontinued, muzzle loading guns at auction. There's two frequent gun auctions near me...lately got an exc. Uberti Plains .54 rifle. Always recommend people check out their area's auctions. Everything is on line now, bidding,
photos, etc. but I like to be there in person.
That in part comes from hand shake. Hand shake intent was to check opponents arm weight for weapon. Since the primary hand was right the perception was handling anything left handed was a conception of evil and or the devil. Some cultures adjusted and started a l/r forearm grasp as way to greet. Not as friendship but a continuation of weapons check.
In the Middle- East region of the world, many people use their left hand to wipe their posterior when they've finished with their daily dump.

That is why it is considered to be a horrible insult to offer to shake someones hand or to do almost anything with your left hand.
Yeah, I've found some nice, discontinued, muzzle loading guns at auction.... Always recommend people check out their area's auctions. Everything is on line now, bidding, photos, etc. but I like to be there in person.

Thumbs up for me on the approach in bold.:thumb:
but honey, i'm rely trying to sell them! that's like the check is in the MAIL, ETC! how can a loving husband lie to his honey like that??
Yeah, I see them very rarely, but because they're lefties, they're harder to sell. These Dixies are authentic! I've seen two in last several years at about $325. I love mine! I have a Lyman left-hand Great Plains .54 percussion, too. But I use either side!
I've been going to shows for 50 years, and can attest that 'gun show dealers' are on the same plain as used car salesmen; they'll say anything to sell something and recoup their 'table money'! Not all, of course, but keep your wallet and skepticism secure!
Found a nice little jewel at the local gun show yesterday. Lefthand .50 Cal flintlock from Dixie Gunworks.

Good find at a great price ! They are a quality rifle. A couple of years ago Dixie found several of these NOS left handed models in their warehouse and offered them up in their sales flyers. My son bought the percussion version and in his hands its a very accurate rifle.
Thanks Dan
Blogman, ROGER THAT!!.I think I may have done that. my wife says that they all look alike, so when I bring another one home she is none the wiser. ain't that great? after 44 years maybe she ain't as dumb as I think she is!.
The key is to break a certain number-say 10 guns. after that there is no more counting-it's just "a bunch". Easy to expand after that.Then there is always "they were in the same room-they had pups!"
I’ll have to use your line about the pups. My wife has given up on how many rifles I have. I know it’s about 60+ but they never stand still for a count. I’m about To finish a Traditions Kentucky Flintlock build but decided I want to machine a trigger guard out of steel. The brass one cracked.
Blogman, ROGER THAT!!.I think I may have done that. my wife says that they all look alike, so when I bring another one home she is none the wiser. ain't that great? after 44 years maybe she ain't as dumb as I think she is!.

I doubt that she is as dumb as you hope. (you did marry this person, after all) I would posit that she figures this vice much less odious than, say, red mid- life- crisis sports cars, faster horses, older whiskey or younger women.

just one guy's observation...

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