Gunbuilding Lessons or Classes in Georgia area.

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40 Cal.
Jan 29, 2006
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After replying to another post on building a smokepole, I thought I would ask for some advice and information from some of you master craftsmen out there. I am in my mid-50's and have loved black powder guns since I was a kid. For many years I have wanted to build guns from the F&I war through the Fur Trade Era. I now have come to a place in my life when I can devote some time and money into trying to learn how to build these beautiful guns that I have put off for all these years. I know that there are no shortcuts and that is not what I am asking, but do any of you know of any schools of individuals in my area that teach this craft. I would just like to learn as much as I can as fast as I can, as I am not getting any younger. Many thanks.
I do not know of any classes here in GA. Where do you live?
Yes sir, sorry I did not mention that in my opening thread. I live about 35 miles south of Atlanta in a town named Fayetteville. I have been reading everything in our Library system regarding gunbuilding, also I have purchased several books including "Recreating the American Longrifle". I have borrowed and purchased some instructional tapes and DVD's by Mr. Turpin, Mr. Ehlert, and Mr. Herschel House. I know that there is no better teacher than experience, but I thought that by learning the right ways and taking the advice of some of the gifted craftsmen out there that I could benefit from their knowledge. There are some incredibly talented and nice persons on this forum and I have learned much by being a member here. Many thanks again.
I worked down in Fayetteville once, building homes. Well you are on the right track with some good books & DVDs. I wouldn't consider myself a "master craftsman" , but I could show you a couple of things.
There are several people from the "builders bench" meeting at Wilson Shoals firing range on March 3 around 12;30 or 1:00. If you do not have anything to shoot I am more then sure we can find you something(thats how we get you hooked) :blah: .
alamosa said:
Yes sir, sorry I did not mention that in my opening thread. I live about 35 miles south of Atlanta in a town named Fayetteville. I have been reading everything in our Library system regarding gunbuilding, also I have purchased several books including "Recreating the American Longrifle". I have borrowed and purchased some instructional tapes and DVD's by Mr. Turpin, Mr. Ehlert, and Mr. Herschel House. I know that there is no better teacher than experience, but I thought that by learning the right ways and taking the advice of some of the gifted craftsmen out there that I could benefit from their knowledge. There are some incredibly talented and nice persons on this forum and I have learned much by being a member here. Many thanks again.
Let me know if you come up with anything -- I am in SC and would not mind hanging out in Atlanta for a few days if we came up with a class.

Hi, I live in fayetteville also. I am not much of a builder but am probably working on the same learning curve as you are. On March 5th the Griffin Gun Club in having their monthly shoot. I am going down to try and get to know a few guys. I am confident that a few build so I hope I can learn also.
I live in Marietta, work near the airport with many folks from Fayetteville.

I will be at the March shoot with Fishdog et. al. hope to see you there. No expert but have built one and workling on the second. Happy to share and learn.

It is the 4th, not the 3rd. We better not say much more about it (last time we got our hands slapped) :grin: .

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