Hammer blowback in T/C 50cal Hawkenk

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Some of you have scared me and made me take notice on the Trip 7. I bought it only because I wanted to try it out as the guy behind the counter said it burned very clean. I can not get black up here in Canada because of the strict transport and safety laws in the greatest Nanney State in the world. Will limit my shooting to Pryo 75 to 80gr and PRB only. When I hunt moose, I will take the thurty ought 6 and leave the Hawken home. Will limit the Hawken to Mule deer hunting only. Many times when hunting I do not care if I bag an animal or not. It is enough for me just to be in the bush with my old time rifle and pretending that I am back in the 1840es during my great grandpappys time. Besides when I shoot the critter the work starts and the fun is over.

Cheers & Tighter Groups: Eaglesnester
You don't tell us where in Canada you live, but other Canadian members here seem to be able to get Black Powder. You might go to the GOEX website, and contact the dealers and distributors shown for Canada, or contact Goex Directly by phone or email. I am sure that they can help you obtain real Black Powder.
I have never shot as big an animal as a moose but I have shot mule deer and your statement about the fun being over is right on. I shot one in the Colorado one season in the first five minutes and it was midnight before we got it back to camp! Plus my season was over! Ain't it great?
eaglesnester said:
Some of you have scared me and made me take notice on the Trip 7. I bought it only because I wanted to try it out as the guy behind the counter said it burned very clean. I can not get black up here in Canada because of the strict transport and safety laws in the greatest Nanney State in the world. Will limit my shooting to Pryo 75 to 80gr and PRB only. When I hunt moose, I will take the thurty ought 6 and leave the Hawken home. Will limit the Hawken to Mule deer hunting only. Many times when hunting I do not care if I bag an animal or not. It is enough for me just to be in the bush with my old time rifle and pretending that I am back in the 1840es during my great grandpappys time. Besides when I shoot the critter the work starts and the fun is over.

Cheers & Tighter Groups: Eaglesnester

I shot 777 out of my .50 cal CVA Mountain Stalker with both the PRB and the 370 Maxi ball. I called CVA before doing so and they said what the members here are saying. Just reduce the charge by 15% and it is safe to use. I had problems with consistent ignition and the crude ring so I went back to Goex. FWIW my best accuracy is at 85g goex with PRB or with the TC 370g Maxi ball with a felt wad under the Maxi ball. The PRB is plenty for the deer here. I worked up the load with the Maxi ball for a black bear hunt.

I never shot anything with the Maxi ball so I can't tell you how it performed on game.

When I got my first traditional rifle, I contacted TC by email and asked about using triple seven in their TC Hawken rifles. The replied that in the TC Hawken I could use up to 100 grains by volume in the 50 cal and up to 120 grains by volume in the 54 cal & conical bullets.
My favorite hunting load for my 50 cal Hawken is 90 grains of 2F triple seven, felt wad over powder, Hornady 385 grain great plains bullet and a CCI #11 mag cap. In my rifle this load will cut clover leaf groups at 50 yds. I do not get hammer rebound either. I think you need a new niple, try the hot shot niple. If that doesn't fix the hammer rebound problem replace your hammer sring. My load with triple seven is not a plinking load, but a serious hunting load. I have plenty of other rifles to shoot PRB's out of for target or plinking.
eaglesnester said:
Some of you have scared me and made me take notice on the Trip 7. I bought it only because I wanted to try it out as the guy behind the counter said it burned very clean. I can not get black up here in Canada because of the strict transport and safety laws in the greatest Nanney State in the world. Will limit my shooting to Pryo 75 to 80gr and PRB only. When I hunt moose, I will take the thurty ought 6 and leave the Hawken home. Will limit the Hawken to Mule deer hunting only. Many times when hunting I do not care if I bag an animal or not. It is enough for me just to be in the bush with my old time rifle and pretending that I am back in the 1840es during my great grandpappys time. Besides when I shoot the critter the work starts and the fun is over.

Cheers & Tighter Groups: Eaglesnester
Triple 7 burns cleaner than pyrodex and leaves less fouling to boot. If you can't get traditional black powder then T7 is a fine alternative, just reduce your loads. RB's will kill game very well, just realize that they run out of steam faster than conicals, thus requiring you to get closer before pulling the trigger. If your particular rifle groups conicals better than RB then by all means stick with them.
Only thing I know is don't mess with high breech pressure, or you could end up with a breech plug for a body piercing,OUCH ! Just because one rifle holds together,and for how long ( I don't think they give a warning) don't mean they all will! I have a hogdon pamphlet on pyro and triple 7 and they state not to exceed 100 grains even in them plastic stocked *lines! I'd go by the peoples advise who make the powder! Better safe than real sorry! IMHO :wink:
They used to kill Buffalo with 45/70 Blackpowder cartridge rifles, thats a (70 grain) charge with 405gr bullet. Get within range! and it will do the job.
5-10 football fields' worth, if I recall some of the stories correctly.

My 72 grain charge of 3Fg isn't any slouch either with the .50 cal 370 grain Maxi!

From a real long ways away they did too.

They got as close as they could. Just as today, the stories of the looooong shot get a lot of talk and repeat, same thing happened back then.

Buff aren't that hard to get up on.