Just saw their site and their prices weren't too bad.
Absolutly beautiful!While I have not purchased their complete kit I have been delighted with their stocks and barrels. I made this Tennessee last year with interchangeable . 40 + .50 barrels and just received an early Lancaster swamped C profile today that looks even better. Inletting for a large Siler looks great and has enough meat left for a perfect fit.
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Actually, the kits from Track of the Wolf and several other companies that supply parts for custom builds all are about the same.Zonie is right ... don't think of this as a "kit" (tab "A" into slot "B") but rather as a parts set. Their stocks are very good - and excellent value for you money. They're very nice folks, too.
I think you meant the opposite from what you typed: "None of the screw holes need to be located..."IMO, Pecatonica River kits are very good. They aren't the "almost done" things that Kimber sells so they do take a lot of work to finish.
Everything in the kit will need to be worked on. Lots of wood must be removed from the stock. All of the castings are in their raw condition so they need to be filed and sanded. None of the screw holes need to be located, drilled and threaded and the pin holes for the thimbles, barrel underlugs and trigger guard don't exist so they also need to be located and drilled.
The wood supplied by Pecatonica river is almost always top notch. Usually the curly maple has much more striping than one would expect to see.
Here's a picture of some of the rifles I've built using Pecatonica River stocks and parts.
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A word of warning though.
All of these guns took me over 170 hours of work, each to finish. The "kits" are not suitable for someone who gives up easily or wants something to shoot after putting just a few hours into "building" them.
Also, some of the rifles in the pictures above are not offered by Pecatonica River. They were made using Pecatonica River stocks which I greatly modified into other "Schools" shapes with locks that are different from the locks PR supplies with their kits.