Hatfield rifles were pretty popular in Missouri during the first production runs. They soon became unpopular due to poor quality control in later production runs.
Some guns made after the first production run had good locks, but wouldn't shoot accurately. Some would shoot with the best, but the locks were junk. Some wouldn't shoot well even when the locks did work, and a few had both, good locks and good barrels.
It is hard to tell where the locks for the Hatfield were made. Some were reported to have been made by L&R, some were reported made in Italy. Others were made by who knows.
IMHO, the original Hatfield production run were kinda, sorta OK guns, but little better than the OLD CVA guns, which ain't saying much. The later ones were practically junk.
IMHO, anyone anticipating buying a used Hatfield would be much better off buying nearly anything else.
That said, I have seen Hatfields priced from below $500 to $1,000. The ones priced in the $500 range sold, while ones priced above that did not.
IMHO, a Hatfield in perfect condition may be that way because it didn't work, so it wasn't shot.