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Haven't fired a shot...game over

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May 15, 2003
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Calling the season over...currently only having one little spot I turkey hunt, I have yet to see or hear a single turkey on the small property...not a hen, a Jake, or a Tom...much less get them into range. Worse, I haven't heard a single gunshot from neighboring woods all around me, which I almost always do.

Have shut off the 4:30 alarm both times the last two times I planned to go, this morning being the most recent...just no longer have the interest or energy to invest all the time driving, setting up, and working an area for several hours, that for some reason seems to be empty this spring, and decided to pull the plug.

I christened the new .62cal smoothbore Virgina last fall on deer and squirrel so its not a virgin...but sure had hoped to complete the package with a Tom this spring...unless I can find some other private ground to hunt next year that has turkey on it, the tough decision will be whether or not to bother with it next spring.

Meanwhile, got everything cleaned up and put away...looking forward to shooting Flintlocks on the weekends until the fall hunting seasons get here...
Swampy said:
Well, at least you got out and tried. Some of us weren't able to do that.
I hear ya and agree...I definitely enjoy going too...but there's a point at which I start thinking about that old saying:
"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got"

My dilemma is I have no other place to try short of public game lands...and I'm not interested in turkey hunting enough to try public game lands...to many people get shot turkey hunting and I won't take that chance.

By contrast my rifle range is pretty safe...I'll put up a turkey target and shoot that
Dont feel like the lone ranger roundball. This is without a doubt the most silent season I can ever remember. For the past 25 yrs I have killed my limit but NOT this year. I killed the only bird that I have worked this spring an I havent heard but a few more an they were way off on property I dont have permission to hunt. SOMETHING has happend to our turkeys around my neck of the woods an it is not just me saying this. All of the others that normally shoot their limit have just gotten one or two at the most. Hope you have better luck next year
roundball said:
...I'll put up a turkey target and shoot that.
There are other ways to shoot turkeys, Roundball. Look what walked across my back yard a couple of days ago. :v



You gave it your all Roundball. I know you will pull a rabbit out of the hat one way or another. If not this year then next spring :thumbsup:
My deer squirrel and turkey hunting ground is 11 acres. Pre season (Fall) I saw scads of turkey, once the white oaks acorns were gone so were they with the deer. I have considered investing some time and energy into improving the property but the owner may sell it soon. Turkey have just come back to this area of Illinois in the last 6 years or so. One day I will hunt them. I just ask what is the quarry eating? Answer....Probably all the morel mushrooms at night.
roundball, From what I've been reading in the Turkey forums,your experiences seem to be in line with what others are saying in other states. Birds are quiet after flydown and it still seems they are henned up pretty good. Either guys are getting birds quickly or are working very hard.
I still have a week to go for Pa. and Ct after that, so hopefully they'll turn on by then.
Cold, wet spring so far up here.Hope it doesn't affect the nesting.
I've seen those kinds of posts too...and its what keeps nagging at me...ie: has the typical season simply not developed like it normally does and the whole thing is skewed later than normal...have 2 weeks left here and I may be bailing out at a critical time...but...the deed is done...I'll be at the range at 7:00am sighting in a new .50cal
I think the NC Wildlife knows exactly what they are doing...The best time to call in a turkey here in NC is 2-3 weeks before the season comes in...Once it's in the hens and gobblers are already together...

Roundball...I'm still hunting, I'll let you know if things get better...
You got to know when to hold em....know when to fold em.... He'll be bigger next year.

Good luck this fall.
Getting to the range at 7:00am today I had to drive past one of the little spots I've taken turkey at, a little 2-3 acre greenfield surrounded by woods on all sides (road goes through) and was almost afraid to look in the field...but it was empty...same thing driving back past it at noon...nada.

Years past, by noon there would usually be a Tom using a strutting zone on one side of that field while a flock foraged through the field picking up bugs, etc. This year that the little field was leased out to a local farmer who plowed/disked/planted it with oats...been wondering if all that, or that he might have used some sort of herbicide that somehow made the turkeys change their habits and they're a half mile away somewhere else...dunno.

Anyhow, sent 40 - .490"s downrange today doing load development with the .50cal Dickert...another trip and I should have it dialed in for deer
Turkey season comes in here tomorrow morning. There are few around. I saw a single one legged tom a few days ago. Makes 3 years now. must be smart to get by on one leg by itself. :thumbsup: Larry
Heck, saying that, if you go and see him again, you oughta just salute and give him a pass
Wattlebuster, I believe it was the snow this year. Short circuited some of our critters. Deer rut was weird to me this year also.
Birds have been few and far between. Lots of cold wet weather and cold windy weather. I saw a couple of birds strutting while I was driving around but nothing like normal. Last Saturday evening while I was grilling supper for my daughter's family I finally heard a hen yelp and a tom gobble -- but no time to hunt right now :(

Better luck to you next fall!
I've been putting sometime in the woods to. But no luck. the week before the season started I heard birds about everyother morning. i got permision to hunt on my neighbors 400 some odd acres. The first day I set up and hear a bird right at daylight. he gobbled about 8 times. I called , He answered. This was right at daylight.I called a couple more times and nothing. 1030 am rolls around and still no dang bird. i have zero clue what happened other than the weather made a drastic change in about 30 mins. I've been out 5 times since and not a peep.

I'm headed up to Pa to hunt with my dad so maybe I'm just saving my luck for up there.
There's times I feel the same way...at least the weather your hunting in is typically warmer than when I go out for deer. I just like getting out and observing the wildlife..but it's nice to get your tag filled as well.
Don't lose faith, get some food plots going, try using a trail cam or two( not sure if your hunting public or private land). If your already doing those already mentioned.. maybe try a different spot?
Don't know who said it, but sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. The story of my life. Better luck next time my friend.


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