Welcome from Upstate NY.
I pester our local ruffed grouse with a flintlock fowler. A great excuse for a walk in the woods.
I pester our local ruffed grouse with a flintlock fowler. A great excuse for a walk in the woods.
Actually, one of the most used forest bird hunting rifle caliber here is 308 win. It has the same bullet weight as 45 muzzleloader,but the exit velocity of the bullet is 895m/s.Welcome from Pa. If your rifle is a .45 cal. , on small game , don't load it too heavy , as that will help you to have some meat left to eat.
Paivaa!Hello, greetings from Finland! New muzzleloader shooter here. I just bough my first muzzleloader (Armi sport 45. percussion rifle) and i plan to use it for hunting black grouses and capercaillies. So much to learn but you have to start somewhere.
Is that a rifle or a shotgun?
Yeah thanks for that..., and he also mentioned hunting birds namely grouse which is often done using shot, AND he's in Finland, so there was a possibility that the translation was incorrect, for we sometimes have folks that call smoothbores "rifles" and sometimes translations for "gun" come out "rifle" OR that it WAS a rifle but had been made into a smooth rifle to shoot shot, OR even the possibility that he was planning to shoot shot from his rifled barrel, HENCE the question...,He wrote 'percussion rifle'.........