Joined years ago, but life got in the way, but I am back now. Looking for a kit build for a Traditions Kentucky Long Rifle or a Hawken style rifle for my first muzzle loader. With the component shortages, it sure is a bad time to start looking at shooting anything. I enjoy a good project, but funds are limited here, so this rifle will be just for a wall hanger, target shooter and possible yearly backyard events. I am struggling between my first being a flint or a cap as a first kit build. I have some #10 caps, 2f and 4f powder on hand, but not much else for black powder. Learning all I can before I jump into black powder rifles. BTW I already have been shooting a black powder 44 caliber revolver in the past and enjoyed it. Just looking for rifle kit to build and enjoy. Whats the best now days flint or caps due to the shortages for a newbie?