Hello from New Mexico

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Nov 2, 2006
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Los Lunas, NM
Howdy folks. Brian from Los Lunas here. I've been out of the hobby for almost 20 years now, and it's nice to be back! Just bought a Lyman GP rifle, .54 percussion. Never thought I'd find it hard to find actual black powder! Everyone has the fake stuff...even Walmart! I burned a couple dozen rounds of 777 powder the other day and found it to be OK, and really easy to clean up, but just doesn't have the same....aroma. Oh well, at least I can get the stuff while I'm out buying groceries.

A little background: 42, technician for Intel, pilot, dad of a wonderful 4 year old son, Spent 7 years in an Old West Gunfighter group in Old Town, Albuquerque which led to some film work...North and South miniseries, Dream West, etc. Anyway, was a hoot and it's nice to burn some coal again. Be safe ya'll.

welcome brian, I too am new to the site, but have found it to be entertaining and informative. By the way, where'd the y'all come from? S. New Mexico?
bramble in carolina
Welcome to the MLF, glad to have you with
us. Lots of great folks and information here.
Hope you will visit often and contribute when
you can.
again welcome and stay active
I am snake-eyes :hatsoff:
Welcome indeed, Brian. I'm awfully fond of New Mexico, but having a 17-year-old daughter in Santa Fe might have something to do with it. Sure do feel "black powdery" wandering around Carson's house in Taos, though.
Yessir, Santa Fe, the "city different". If your daughter can afford to live AND eat at the same time up there, she must be doing great! I don't visit there very often, but some of the art at the plaza is truly stunning. It's a 1.5 hr. drive for me or about 20 minutes in my plane. I prefer the plane. :grin: I'm trying to find the closest place to my new house to shoot the coal burner now that I've re-entered this wonderful hobby. I live about a mile from the Rio Grande. Hmm..that could offer some nice plinking spots. Just gotta watch out for smoking patches. Dry tinder!

Thanks for the welcome, lads. Very kind of you.
Hi Brian,


Las Vegas here. Worked as a F117 field rep to the USAF on temporary assignment to Holloman AFB for almost three years and lived in La Luz. Moved back to our home in Calif and wife and I had missed New Mexico greatly. We moved back to where we left our hearts and have been here in Las Vegas on the highlands for just short of a year now and wish we had never left the state!! Medically retired now and working as a gunsmith, locksmith and machinist out of my own small shop. Was a member of the Bear Gulch Mountain Men, in Altaloma CA seems like forever, sure do miss them all, esp my friend and mentor the Chief Santi.
Welcome Bear and Brian,

Good to see you on here. I lived by LV until a couple years ago.

Ute Lake
Well Howdy! I grew up in Hurley (know where that is??) Welcome to the group.


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