Hello from s.e. GA

Muzzleloading Forum

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32 Cal
Feb 6, 2021
Reaction score
New guy from way South Georgia. I’m into trapping/percussion rifles and shotguns/ living history. Great site y’all have thanks for letting me join
Welcome from talking rock BPshooters. Head over to adel ga. And meet up with the gang from Brushy Creek muzzleloaders. They have a vous usually in March at their range.
Welcome from talking rock BPshooters. Head over to adel ga. And meet up with the gang from Brushy Creek muzzleloaders. They have a vous usually in March at their range.
Thank you sir. I’m a fur piece from Talking Rock but only a couple of hours from Adel.
Welcome. Brushy Creek ML in Lenox GA or Jefferson Longrifles in Tallahassee are preparing for rendezvous in March.