Howdy from Madison County!
I’m interested for sure! I haven’t been to a rendezvous since I went into the service and probably a couple years before that. Do you have any info or a link for it? Thanks!Welcome, The Southwestern Regional Rendezvous is in full swing this next week in Aquilla, Texas. Pilgrim day is Saturday, I believe.
Welcome from West Sumter County FloridaHello all, as a kid I went to the rendezvous in Pagosa Springs many times, and I was fascinated with black powder guns. Not so much the 'lifestyle' though. I thought it was neat but the GUNS captured my attention. I talked to a lot of people, shot a few rifles and really enjoyed it, the seed planted 40-ish years ago finally took root. I am again very much interested in the black powder shooting. Currently I have a Remington Navy spaghetti pistol I have no plan for and a Cabelas Investarms 54 cal plains style flint spaghetti rifle. The Investarms rifle is superb for what it is, my copy anyway. Once I learned how to manage it I have had dead solid reliability, it is also more accurate than I expected for sure with PRB and real black. I have hunted deer, elk, bear and varmints all my life, but last year I hunted primarily with a bow and ML and I enjoyed it more than I have hunting with a centerfire for a long time. I am planning a build and buying tools, and have been lurking here reading everything I can (ALR also) for months. Thanks a ton to those that contribute and especially the 'how-to' posts.
Thanks, Howard.
I walked in for the first weekend, and it was great! This was my first 'Vous, but won't be my last.Welcome, The Southwestern Regional Rendezvous is in full swing this next week in Aquilla, Texas. Pilgrim day is Saturday, I believe.
The weather was hot, and there were more Mexicans than we thought.This weekend, I'll be with Col. Fannin's men down at Goliad, Texas. We'll be camped inside the walls of the Presidio. The Mexicans have gathered down there, and I think we might have to convince them to go home.
Wish us luck!