Help! with cleaning my musket

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Only time I ever experienced Rust was when I fell pray to the notion that I had to us "Hot" water; I had to put it down and tend to something and when I came back (maybe 20 min) the barrel was red with 'flash'(?) rust.
It just wiped out however.
But I Stopped using hot water after that and have Never had rust again.

Cotton patches are all fine and good but I found Cotton Flannel 100x better and using a one size smaller jag I can get a hood tight fit (for rifle) without struggling to pull back out.

Water is good; I run just two or three to loosen, dissolve all the crud and salts everyone mentions - I used to get sloppy with it but found that is not necessary; just a couple or few Soaked patches then I use some form of bore cleaner (I prefer Ballistol or even Hopps), IF I feel necessary then I run my tow (I use a coarse hemp tow) and ALWAYS follow that up with wet patch of cleaner then dry patches.
I usually finish up with Alcohol patch followed by Dry patch followed by Oil patch (Barricade for me).

Never, ever have had rust from the salty sea coast to the high desert...well, that is a lie; I had rust ONCE when using boiling hot water.

Cotton Flannel is only about $10/yard and you can cut a Huge bag of any size you want: much cheaper then bulk back at the local gun shopp, more absorbent and just plain better.

"Hot water"; no thanks, ya'll can keep it.