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Dec 7, 2005
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Mousekiller here, found out about this site from another forum reading a thread, the info i've been reading is great.. I'm from Virginia around the Richmond area. I shoot a Lyman GP PRB.. in .50.. Thanks to my older brother i got into this great sport.. He's big into BP.. and pretty much a tradionalist, me.. well i've not really decided what I am, although to me using a inline with a scope and 250gr bullets doesn't do much for me in the way of having a challange when i hunt, heck that's just another high powered rifle in my opinion.. each to his own though.

Well.. you'll be seeing me around asking questions if nothing else..

Jeff aka Mousekiller.
Welcome to the MLF glad you found
your way here.Lots of great folks here to help
with any questions you mite have. Hope you will
visit often and contribute when you can.
again welcome and stay active
I am snake-eyes :hatsoff:
Welcome to the best muzzleloading site on the net, hope you enjoy yourself! :thumbsup: :hatsoff:
welcome. I couldnt agree more

You are among some of the most knowledgeable BP junkies in the world. Great to have you with us. :haha:

Well, I've not really decided what I am . . .

No worries. Lots of folks here will tell you whether you want to know or not. :rotf:

Just kidding.

Doesn't matter what you are here. What matters is who you want to be and that you have an interest in traditional muzzleloading . . . and can play well with others.
WELCOME mousekiller to the best ML site on the web. I agree an inline with a scope and sabot bullets is just a high powder rifle that loads from the other end. percussion is more challenging and flint is best :thumbsup:

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