hitting high

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40 Cal.
Nov 18, 2007
Reaction score
Lots of cap 'n ball revolvers hit high, and folks talk of higher front sights to compensate. But lowering the rear sight does the same thing. Have any of you other shooters ground down the hammer extension/sight of your Colt's revolvers to get them to hit where you aim?
Member duelist1954 does just that.
He talks about it in this video, but unfortunatley doesn't show the actual "lowering" of the sight (might be in another video).

He uses a Dremel tool grinding wheel to knock the top of the hammer down.
I have done the "opening" of the notch he shows but for as far high as I shoot I think I'd end up taking off half the hammer!!
My revovlers will need a new/different front sight.

Maybe send duelist a PT for more info,,
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Here is the brass front sight I made and soldered onto my "60" barrel to make it shoot center with a 6 oclock hold at 25 yards.
I have to line up the right ear of the hammer notch to get the correct windage though.
YES! That's just what I was thinking of, and the other videos in the series made everything crystal clear. Thanks folks, and thanks to Mr duelist1954 for the videos.
That is for sure! I bet that after 150 years of sooting high as heck it's safe to assume that the factorys are never going to correct this when it would be easy as pie! TRhese kind of things make me nuts! Geo. T.
When they make a repro they miss on some of the nice details but they always copy the shooting high bit :doh:
I read some where that civil war era revolvers were purposely designed to shoot high so that one could place a man size target on top of the front bead aiming about zipper high and get a killing shot any where in the torso.MD
M.D. said:
I read some where that civil war era revolvers were purposely designed to shoot high so that one could place a man size target on top of the front bead aiming about zipper high and get a killing shot any where in the torso.MD
I musta read that same book. But I don't read actual historical texts, more of a fiction gal, so I probably read it in a novel.

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