Home made jug-choking tool?

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40 Cal.
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
Hey Guys,
Years ago I read about a jug-choking tool that could be mounted on the end of a electric hand-drill that could be used to jug-choke a barrel. Have any of you seen or heard of such a tool? And if so, how effective was it? If you have any pictures, please post them.
Taylor in Texas
I think you are referring to a brake master cylinder hone. It will work but measuring the amount of choke would be tricky. The tool is 3 stones about 1"long that are rotated on a shaft and have to be moved any time they are turning. It would be 30 sec. on then check progress and repeat. Best left to a good gunsmith. If you try it good luck.
Fox :thumbsup:
Taylor,you will find this was discussed just last week. I have to believe the best solution is the tool pictured at the end of the thread and if your handy could be made without too much difficulty[url] http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/200072[/url]/
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If you decide on a gunsmith as an alternative, heres the one that jug choked a .62cal GM Flint smoothbore barrel for me...($60 + shipping)

Lowell Tennyson
209 E Lotte St.
Blue Grass IA. 52726
[email protected]

“Full choke for a .62cal/.20ga needs about .030” expansion chamber to get “Full Choke”...the step-down leading back to the muzzle is critical".