When I was a kid growing up here in Arizona back in the '70's(1970's that is, I'm not THAT old!) My dad and I belonged to the YMCA Indian Guides. One time we all went out to an open pit mine southeast of Phoenix, and for something like a dollar a head we were able to fill up bucketloads of obsidian chunks(we call them Apache Tears here). I still have hundreds of these things, and I was wondering if anybody knows if they can be knapped into suitable musket flints. I'm pretty new to flintknapping(always bought them readymade 'til now), so I'm not good enough at it yet(will I ever be?)to get a decently-shaped flint; therefore, I haven't been able to try any myself.
Hopefully, Zonie, Wulf, or some other Arizonan will read this and be able to help me. :thumbsup:
Hopefully, Zonie, Wulf, or some other Arizonan will read this and be able to help me. :thumbsup: