Hooked Tang

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40 Cal.
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Received my T/C Hooked tang for my 50 cal barel today. It still didn't fit flush. I don't know if I was supose to do this, but to make it fit flush I had to take a little metal off of the box that the hook goes in so that the hook would seat. I had my choice, I could have filed on the plug or the box. Hope I didn't screw things up.
When new, a tang rarely ever lets the hook just slide it.

The tang is usually hung on the breech end of the barrel while out of the stock, and using a light hammer, is gently tapped on the back side of the flat to fully finish seating it onto the hook.

This is done 2-3 times to sort of custom fit the tang to the breech hook, and it'll always be sort of a tailor made snug fit...don't want them loose or wiggly.
I guess with my others it kind of just falls in, no real problems with the fit. I don't think I tok enough metal off to cause a problem, just a little drimal tooling. It doen't feel wiggley.
Alot of the time builders will solder the two pieces together, then fit/inlet it to the stock. Then when it's fitted they unsolder the two pieces. Bill
I guess we will see what happens. I just have never done this before and I am sure I can get as many as I want from T/C. So do you think I caused a problem by filing or not rather then making it go together with a hammer?
You can also take the breech and barrel to a smith and have him drill and tap both sides of the breech and install set screws into it to tighten against the barrel hook, see a post about htis that was posted a couple weeks ago, has pics, gonna have this done to mine! i think the post was to do with t/c acuracy, look in the percussion section, I'm gettn old and cant remeber exactly where it was, good luck, Jim
Checked it out with another (actually two others) I had and as far as being loose, they all seem about the same, so I think I am OK. Matter of facts two of the T/C I have seem to be slightly looser.

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