hoppes #9 & murphy's oil soap

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That stuff is deadly, a lot of people have died inhaling it.
Hi again Carbon 6. Have you researched this deadly stuff? I understand is just another name for water, and you look on snoops website, this is what it says.
Dihydrogen monoxide is a dangerous chemical that should be banned.


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I understand that hydrogen peroxide will return to plain water if you mix it up with something and leave it in direct sunlight. In order to remain hydrogen peroxide it must be in a dark bottle or container.
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. I've used just straight Hoppes. Some guns like it, others not so much. Spit WORKS too, but I'm not convinced it is the BEST lube. It is generally available though. 🤣

The number of concoctions used to lube BP patches borders on infinity. Success with any of them is dependent on the individual firearm as well as your individual expectations for it. If you are attempting to wring the most accuracy for target competition, your needs will be different than someone who wants to blow up some water bottles to entertain the grandkids. If you are in the first group, I'd recommend getting Dutch Schoultz's system and following his instructions to the letter. If you are in the latter, your buddy's lube will probably be the cat's meow.

One of the fun/frustrating things about this sport is finding what works for YOU. Everyone else's opinions, mine included, are just that: opinions. As they say, "Your mileage may vary." The folks here will give you the most helpful advice they know how. You will find few other places with as many truly well-intentioned members. However, you will still have to determine what works for you. Don't take it too seriously, though. We are all in this for the joy of it. Now go make some smoke and let us know how YOU did. 👍
Hi again Carbon 6. Have you researched this deadly stuff? I understand is just another name for water, and you look on snoops website, this is what it says.
Dihydrogen monoxide is a dangerous chemical that should be banned.


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I understand that hydrogen peroxide will return to plain water if you mix it up with something and leave it in direct sunlight. In order to remain hydrogen peroxide it must be in a dark bottle or container.

Well, I think you missed the group joke, but everything we said was true. If you inhale too much dihydrogen monoxide you will die.

As to hydrogen peroxide, yes , I keep my M.A.P. in an old peroxide bottle. Sunlight, time, and other reagents will liberate the extra o2 molecule. That "liberation" is one thing that makes it so effective.
Those who fear that extra o2 molecule can replace it with plain water, just be sure your water is not chlorinated. Chlorine and chlorates will do far more damage to a barrel than peroxide ever will.
Well, I think you missed the group joke, but everything we said was true. If you inhale too much dihydrogen monoxide you will die.

As to hydrogen peroxide, yes , I keep my M.A.P. in an old peroxide bottle. Sunlight, time, and other reagents will liberate the extra o2 molecule. That "liberation" is one thing that makes it so effective.
Those who fear that extra o2 molecule can replace it with plain water, just be sure your water is not chlorinated. Chlorine and chlorates will do far more damage to a barrel than peroxide ever will.
You need to watch those educated jokes when dealing with hillbillys. Some of us were still hunting with spears until we started clinging to our Bibles and Guns.
C6, and here I was going to chastise you for providing one of the secret formulas to obtain dihydrogen monoxide, especially the required limestone filtration. I guess I will have to keep that information to myself. I have found a public source for my supply.
C6, and here I was going to chastise you for providing one of the secret formulas to obtain dihydrogen monoxide, especially the required limestone filtration. I guess I will have to keep that information to myself. I have found a public source for my supply.

Limestone filtration yields the best product.
You need to watch those educated jokes when dealing with hillbillys. Some of us were still hunting with spears until we started clinging to our Bibles and Guns.

Don't feel bad, Squint. I didn't actually get it but considering the players something was suspicious! :)
We use 2 parts of 70% rubbing alcohol with 1 part Murphy’s Oil Soap. Used for both patch lube and for cleaning.
The 4H kids shoot several hundred round balls all summer, using this solution, I’m sold on it!!!
It just plain works, plain and simple!!
We use 2 parts of 70% rubbing alcohol with 1 part Murphy’s Oil Soap. Used for both patch lube and for cleaning.
The 4H kids shoot several hundred round balls all summer, using this solution, I’m sold on it!!!
It just plain works, plain and simple!!

I actually think that might work as good as MAP, and when I get a chance I will try it. I don't know what the hydrogen peroxide would have to do with it, and it would save the problem of it breaking down and turning back to just plain water anyway. The nice thing about this is that give me one more thing to experiment on, I'm sure I can make it last all day.
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We use 2 parts of 70% rubbing alcohol with 1 part Murphy’s Oil Soap.

I actually think that might work as good as MAP,

I would call it M.A.W. (Murphy's, alcohol and water 1:1 ratio)
What you essentially have is a a ratio of 1.4 parts alcohol, 0.6 parts water and 1 part Murphy's
That would work very well, because a 1 to 1 ratio works very well.
It might even perform slightly better due to the added alcohol.