Hoppes #9 plus patch lube

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I ordered the Hoppes # 9 Plus black powder patch lube.....twice, from two different suppliers. In both cases, got the new "Hoppes # 9 Plus SOLVENT. Tried to return, and both suppliers just said, "Keep them. We'll refund your money." Even Vista Outdoors, which owns Hoppes, had no idea the product label had changed, and could not tell me if the formula was the same or different. I now have eight bottles of the stuff. I guess I'll have to try it!

ADK Bigfoot
Formula is different. They have cut it with something. Still seems to work ok. I use the new to clean and the old to lube patch. Just about out of the old.
The Hoppes 9 formula for black powder has changed from their original BP version, and not for the better, maybe they changed so it could be sold in California? Don’t know. Personally, not impressed with the new formulation, though I am set with plenty of the old good stuff.

Years ago a LGS was going out of business. I picked a bottle of Hoppe’s 9 Plus and the soon to be retired owner tells me he can’t give the stuff away. I agree to the marked price to help him out. He says he can’t do that, but I can have it all for $1 a bottle if I want. Leave with a case of 32 oz bottles, plus a number of 16 oz. His high inventory of the stuff was some kind of stock ordering foulup he had made. I gave a lot of it away over the years. Have a couple of unopened 32 oz bottles left. Should be good for the duration and beyond.

Don’t really use a lot nowadays, but always take some to hunting camp. This older stuff is more pungent that the current formulation, at least in the opinion of some expert noses that I hunt with. Leave a cleaning patch or two on top of the trash and everyone notices and comments. One of those Pavlov’s dogs moments every time.
Just got a bottle from Midway USA, cant wait to try it out. I assume patches must be lubed just prior to shooting, or can they be wetted and stored in a air tight tin until needed with a reasonable amount of time ?

Best to use the lubricated patches up during the following shooting session. Probably 1 to 2 months otherwise on a conservative recommendation. A year would be too long. Six months would be questionable.

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