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32 Cal.
Dec 25, 2007
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I am building a horn that is very light in color. I have scraped the section behind the spout to smaller diameter, and would like to color that a dark brown or reddish brown. What makes the best stain for this? I tried some leaethr stain and wood stain that didn't seem to get it very dark.
You could try using the rit dye color of your choice or maybe several coats of the wood stain. trial and error really is the key in my opinion.
good luck. :v
RIT black dye works very well, but it must be concentrated for a deep finish, like two packets in quart of water if you want a deep black finish.

I've had success by bringing the RIT/water to a boil, standing or hanging the horn in the boiling water, turn off the heat, and wait for at least two hours. If you have engrailing, or at least some transition carving around the neck, you can scrape off the excess color and leave a pleasing and sharp transition line.

Be aware that any scratches or scrapping marks seem to be magnified by this process, so be diligent if you want a smooth finished horn.

There a lots of very skilled horners who regularily view this site and I'm certain you'll get some great advice.
i, too, have had good success with the Rit method, but Willie's right- you do have to mix it thick and leave it in for a while. I just a few days ago tried some of my daughter's leather dye (it was black Fieblings)

wow- this stuff is really great- beautiful strong lines, good coverage with no bleeding, and it dries fairly quickly.

Willie is also right about leaving scrapings and their being 'brought out' by the dye: you will see each and every little burble and boo boo.

best of luck with your project!
I can't really add much to the advice you have received so far, other than for a relatively newcomer I would recommend using the RIT dye. It is simple to use and you will get good results. One thing I can add and is trick I beleive Stumblin Wolf brought to my attention, and that is to wrap the engrailed edge of the horn with black electricians tape before you immerse it in the RIT. The tape will keep the dye off of the body of hte horn (or at least most of the dye) leaving very little to scrape off. Good luck with your project.

Thanks for the advice, will give the rit dye a try when I get home later in the week.

Hair dye works very well also, easy to use, brush on and is controllable, also comes in a vast assortment of color, talk to the girl at the local beauty supply to see which are the thickest when mixed
You guys using the leather dyes have you noticed it rubbing off ? and do you seal with something ?Ive used but I'm not sold on it totaly
The leather dye should be sealed with a good paste wax, after that it will not rub off, problem is that it will bleach out over time with direct sunlight!
The color bleaching out has been noted before so the Johnsons paste wax is what I've used , and not period correct but have tried spray shellac :0)
I've had a lot of luck with leather dye. Bleieve it or not I have done most of my scraping with a knife. None of my horns are silky smooth but I like em and they have an antique look to them.
msuspartandon said:
What do you all use to 'scrape' the horn with?
Scraping: Cabinet scrapers, edge of a piece of glass, about any real sharp knife, utility knife blade (my favorite) etc. Leather dye is easy to use, but fades in direct sunlight and does rub off after wax rubs off!...RIT dye is more color fast and lasts for years when sealed with an annual paste waxing! All the powder horns on my Gallery page were done using RIT!

as far as scraping goes I just use what i figure they did back in the day. a good trusty pocketknife. It usually does the trick very well. :v
I just looked at your gallery page. Beautiful work :thumbsup: . All your coloring is done with Rit? Including the throat?