Early 1800's India pattern Tower musket

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Jan 13, 2025
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Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Since I'm new here, I may as well start posting some of my collection. I used to hate flintlocks but a few years ago started to develop an interest in them. I won this one from Morphy Auction in late 2020 and picked it up from Fed Ex in early January 2021. This is my first flintlock. I also have two more... one original carbine and a repro pistol. Yet another original is due to arrive tomorrow. My budget won't allow me to buy the pristine stuff so I'm a sucker for project guns, which is exactly what this Bess was. Here's a video of me shooting it.
Kevin in NC
Welcome to the forum and good work on this video.
One suggestion I would offer regarding your accuracy with the round ball. Even with the considerable windage with the .69 caliber ball in the .75 bore (the correct historical ball size); I am pretty certain that, if you secure your firelock’s forearm rather than just laying it on the “bag”, your accuracy will greatly improve. You could be hitting that target quite regularly.
Glad to see you bringing the old Bess back to life nonetheless!
Are you in any Muzzleloading clubs?
I was shooting on my private range in the woods of Pender County and my "bag" was nowhere to be found that day, hence the wooden block. It may have been in the container or at home that day, but now I just keep it in the backseat of the truck. In the video I was shooting balls cast from a .69 Lee mold. I've already made a couple of molds... a conical for my Snider and a .667" round ball mold for my .69 1842 Harper's Ferry repro. I may eventually make a slightly larger ball mold for the Bess. No, I'm not in any clubs. I'm a retired USNR Gunner's Mate. They sent me to school to be an armorer and a rangemaster. Although I sort of miss being paid to shoot Uncle Sam's ammo, I can honestly say that there are people in uniform who have no business being anywhere near any sort of gun. These days I prefer to shoot alone or with close friends on private property.

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