I've used both brands of swaged RBs and when buying both just mike one RB to see if they're the caliber stated on the box....no further inspections are done.
I don't target shoot but my .45 loads w/ swaged RBs have head hit 100s of squirrels and this is sufficient accuracy for me.
When I was into bench rest shooting w/ my 20 lb .22/250 w/ an 18x Unertl "scope, I weighed and miked every component and at times shot flies crawling on the target....this was at 100 yds. The 5 shot groups at 100 yds easily fitted nicely into a dime.
So when I got into MLing, I was greatly surprised of the accuracy easily attained w/ my loads w/o all the fussy stuff connected w/ my benchrest days.
I don't weigh the RBs and don't weigh the powder charges....they're thrown fron a volume measure.......Fred