There are Safe fast ways to load a MLer, and fire fast, about 2-3 shots a minute, and then there are UNSAFE ways to load a MLER and fire faster- 5-6 rounds per minute.
Take your time, and learn to do it right, and do it safely. You aren't fighting Indians, or bad guys. If you want to fire fast, shoot a semi-auto .22 rifle or handgun. Its cheaper to shoot, and you can get off a lot more rounds fast than with just about anyhting else you can shoot( paint ball guns comes to mind, too.) Don't feel embarrassed about wanting to shoot a lot some days. We all do, and sometimes its just fun to go " crazy" at the range, with a high capacity magazine, and lots of ammo.
Muzzle loading is a deliberate sport, a " Gentleman's " Game, if you will. Taking your time to load correctly is going to be slower. When you learn where to put all the components, what to do with each, and how to load them using a short starter, for instance, and how to clean the gun properly so you have a gun that is in roughly the same condition for each shot, Your speed will increase. But for now, everything is new, and it will take time for you to get it all together. If you can shoot with other MLers, watch them and their loading techniques. Ask questions, but not when they are in the middle of loading. Find out why they are doing something, or NOT doing something you are doing. Ask about choice of bullets, patches, lubes, caps, etc. Everything is important.
Do yourself a favor and order a copy of Dutch Schoultz's Black Powder Rifle Accuracy System. Its the best $15.00 you will spend on your education, and you will learn how to read your targets, and your spent patches.
This might just be the single best source of help for new shooters I have found in over 33 years of looking, and experience as a shooter. These are reference sources, so put them in a binder, and save them to read over and over again. You will find that you learn more each time you read the materials. As you gain experience, the value of all that you read begins to sink in.
Welcome to the forums. Best Wishes shooting. Glad to see you have joined the Honorable Society of Dry-Ballers. Most of us have joined that organizationi several times, and expect to rejoin it again, even after all these years. You are now part of a very humble organization, but also a group of very proud men, who are all smiling at the prospect of greeting you. :grin: :rotf: :hatsoff: