How many years Muzzleloading experience?

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I got my first in-line in 2022……. and my first Green River Rifle Works St Louis plains style gun in 1974 after I got rid of that cheezy dime store TC “Hawken” maxi-ball launchin Hollywood fake of a phony movie prop gun.

How many is that in gun years?
built a CVA Colt walker that my wife gave me for christmas in 88 I installed a shoulder stock on it in 89 ( modified a dixie dragoon shoulder stock kit) and used it for deer hunting in 91. found out that the DNR doesn't allow black powder revolvers for deer so she gave me a CVA Kentucky kit and I've never looked back
Bought my first ML, an original 1863 Springfield musket in 1960, for $20. Very involved in target shooting and in re-enacting Civil War battles. So 64 years now.
Then the family moved to south Florida (Jupiter) where it seemed no one had even heard of muzzle loaders or black powder!
I took the neighbor's grandfather's Springfield to school in the 3rd grade as we were studying the Civil War. Would have been '59 (?). I didn't fire it, though.
68. homemade sorta cannon... I better explain...there is an old pickup that has a hollow axle shaft...rear axle...half inch hole... that...and some kinda wood and hoseclamps and a fuze...2 f powder...bang. I was 14. My next experience was with the courthouse 155 long tom some tnt and a carefully chipped rock. We never did find the rock. I was 15.. there is positively NO comparison in loud.
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Only 26 years, bought a TC Hawken in North East, MD for $150. It had a Lyman 57 MSL and 17A front. Old Vietnam vet showed me how to load it and shoot it at the Elk Neck Shooting Range. I was amazed at the accuracy of a PRB and got hooked forever. Currently have over 45 MLs of of all sorts. Got a good run from 2015-2021 when I was shooting on average 4,500 RBs a year, lots of experimentation and testing, smoke and fun!
I am curious how many years of combined experience we have in this group. To make things easier on me to keep a tally, when telling me your time reply like this...

12 years

...and only have the years in the comment with nothing else. Any other discussions are welcome, but anything other than this format will not be counted. I will occasionally post a running total.

I am also doing the same in the Re-enactment section.
10 yrs. active Rev War enactment experience.
ln 1950 l found an old musket in an attic / found an older man who knew how they worked and had hunted with muzzleloaders during the war when rationing limited cartrige availability. He taught me and l have used them ever since
Started in 1980 with a TC Hawken 45 Cal. Killed my first deer with it that year.
Then Built a 45 cal Pistol kit.
Progressed up to a Euroarms 58 cal and did some match shooting
last 10 years or so been limited to a CVA Optima 50 cal for deer hunting. Killed a many deer with it so far.
This year have ventured back to an 1858 Remington revolver and hopefully soon I can find a Ruger Old Army I can afford :)
It was 1964 when I shot my first muzzleloader with my Dad. I was 10 years old. It was an original .54 cal H. Aston 1842 horse pistol. As I recall, I missed the target. I'm 70 now so that makes it 60 years of on and off again muzzleloading. I bought my first muzzleloader in 1972, an A. Zoli Zouave .58 cal rifled musket. Sold it in the '80's and picked up another Zoli Zouave in the '20's as my last muzzleloading purchase.

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